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Norman alighted from his Porsche cayenne. He glanced at his company. It was a sixty floor building built with glass. Its structure was gasping and the design was one of a kind. One of the security by the entrance to the building took over the car from him and drove it to the basement of the building which was where the car pack was situated. He smiled to himself. Setting up this company was gradual and required patience. Life was being fair to him at the least.

He walked majestically into the building waving his hand at everyone who greeted him on the way. He was fully dressed with a black suit which he buttoned up neatly and he wore a black tie to it. He also wore a black shoe to match the outfit. He was a man in black. He moved to the elevator and walked in. He noticed a lady already in it.Apparently she just entered. She froze when she saw him. She held a file on her hand and a bag on the other. She was very beautiful that so very much was glaring. Her black hair was expertly arranged in a bun. Her body was shaped perfectly. She looked away sheepishly when she noticed his eyes hovering about her body.

What floor?he asked.

Thirtieth floor,she replied. He smiled as he pressed the thirtieth and fiftieth floor on the elevator. It gave a ding sound and the door closed before it started moving upwards. The two were left in the elevator. He took quick glances at her but she tried as much as possible to avoid his gaze.

What's your name? He finally asked.

Maggie, she replied almost immediately.

You don't have to be nervous,he said. I won't hurt you or do anything irresponsible. She nodded her head and glanced at him. He assessed her again. He felt like taking her right now to his bed but controlled himself. Its been a while since a woman made him this horny.

What do you do here? He asked.

She gave him an embarrassing smile. I don't work here,she said. I just came to give something to my brother.

He bit back a growl. Shit! He muttered to himself though not audible enough for her for her to hear. He looked into her eyes but she avoided his gaze.

Who's your brother,he asked but before she could answer the elevator door beeped and gave a ding sound before the door slid open.

That's my queue, she said hastily and rushed out of the elevator. He watched as she disappeared through a door without even looking back. He smiled to himself. He had a feeling he'll still meet her again and that time he'll just compel her to do his bidding. He waited till the elevator reached his floor before it slid open and he walked out and went straight towards the conference room. All stakeholders were already assembled and all looked frustrated and tiresome. Signs that they had been waiting for him. He smiled to himself. He loved the exhibition of powers he inhabited in his company. Being a vampire has its perks. Anytime someone tried to go against him or if he had rivalries from other companies he simply just compel them to do what he wanted and that was it. Problem solved.

He walked slowly to his chair much to the agitation of everyone seated around. He took a final glance at all of them before settling on his seat. I welcome you all to this annual meeting. He began, can we begin with our reviews. They all opened various documents each one reading out his reports on his various line in the company.

After all the boring speeches they finally finished their reports. He studied all their faces. Any questions? He asked. Or suggestions. He didn't expect any though they were all compelled to follow his instructions. To his surprise one of them raised his hand.

He sat back and crossed his arms. The man's face didn't look familiar. He must be new. He didn't even notice.

Who are you? He asked dryly. The man's face flashed red. You don't even know who you work with,he said. His words were hard and direct.
Norman frowned. On a normal day this man would be dead for speaking that way to him. But he kept his cool. He needed to hear what the man wanted to say. Your face looks new, he said. You must be a new employee.

The man's face went hard, I'm a stakeholder not an employee,he said with pain in his voice. I've been investing in this company for more than two weeks. If you were well acquainted with your staffs and every member of your company you wouldn't be saying what you're saying. You look like a hero to the public but now that I'm here I see a nonchalant and reckless boss. It was a mistake to be here in the first place. Everyone in the room shot him a surprise look except Norman of course who still kept a straight face though he was boiling inside.

What exactly is your grievance with me? He asked.

The man searched around his file for something before bringing it out. He took a quick glance at it. You have been running this company in pretence and false documents.

Norman shot him a surprise look,what do you mean?he asked.

Everything read out today was a lie. The man continued, all the Stokes, profits and everything else. This company has no mega sales in fact you are running it at a loss. I don't know how you manage to bribe your way even up to the mayor but it was a mistake investing here.

Norman's eyes shifted towards the other shareholders for answers but they kept mute and bowed their head. How did you know all this? He asked.

I don't just invest and watch. I ensure my money doesn't go down the drain. You are are manipulative liar surrounded by a bunch of sycophants. If you had paid attention to your company you wouldn't be fooled like this.

Norman's temper flew,he stood up from his chair and moved to the man's chair quickly. He turned the man's chair towards him so he could face him eyeball to eyeball. You will never address me in such manner again, he said. And from now on you do as I say without question.
The man paused for some seconds and then released himself from Norman turning his chair back and standing up. Is that what you do? He asked. Manipulate people to do your bidding. You're more stupid than I thought.

Norman moved back in surprise. The man couldn't be compelled. He didn't believe himself. What the fuck just happened.

The man eyed him wearingly and then left the room. Spitting curses at him.

Norman was astonished. This came as a shock. He couldn't even believe he let the man go although that was the least of his problem. He would hunt him later. His eyes flared at the remaining men in the room. We're sorry one of them said,we just wanted to please you so we couldn't bring ourselves to tell you your company was crumbling.

So you had to let a stranger spit it out to my face! He alleged.

They didn't say anything but stood facing down contemplating whether to go or wait for instructions.

Leave! Norman growled. They all scrambled out of the room. The urge to tear them to pieces was strong but he contained his anger. Killing them would make things worse. He couldn't believe he had just been made like fool in his company. That man better run whoever he is. He was going to hunt for him and then drain him of every blood till he confess who he was and how he was able to withstand his compulsion. He moved towards the window as he picked his phone and clicked the speed dial. The phone rang twice before the caller answered.

What! A sharp reply was heard over the phone. We have a problem, he said. His eyes suddenly caught something. It was a man and a woman. His advance vision was what made him see them from that height. He recognized the man as the man who just insulted him in his office. And the girl,Shit! That was the girl he met in the elevator. Apparently that was her brother.

Shit! This just got worse. Could he have coincidentally met her in the elevator or everything was planned. Either way he was going to get answers. One way or the other.

THE LAST BLOODLINE(BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now