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Alice opened her eyes slowly. Her head throbbed with pain. She closed her eyes again trying to see if the persistent headache would subside. She touched her neck where she had been hit hard. She was sure it must have broken.

She tried to stand but discovered she was tired firmly with a chain. As she struggled, it reverberated pain through her body. She groaned. Not again. She took a good look at her surrounding. She was in some sort of room. There were no chairs anywhere except the one she was tied to. There was one window where a ray of light passed through which was the only source of illumination in the room.

She didn't dare move her body. Only her head. She needed to conserve whatever energy she has left. A vampire came in, he looked at her with displeasure and contempt and then left. Probably to report that she was awake.

Shortly after he came again, this time with three other vampires. Where'd you keep my stuff? Alice asked. She hated that she had to loose her sword when she just got it.

The vampire ignored her and moved to untie her. It'll be wise if you don't try to run, he warned. He untied her feet and her hands. As soon as Alice noticed she was free, she made a run for it. She struggled out of their grip but then she suddenly fell. Something like some sort of electric shock spread across every part of her body bring tremendous pain with it.

She didn't realize when she screamed. The vampire shook his head sadly. Told ya, he said, don't run, special amulet on your hand. Could bring down an elephant within seconds.

Where do you get this stuff? Alice groaned. They picked her up and dragged her towards another room. This room looked more like an occult room. It was designed with exclusive red interior and there were markings and strange drawings on the walls that she couldn't recognize. She spotted Vladimir on the floor.

She wanted to run towards him but instinctively she stood. Vladimir was worse than he was before. The wounds on his neck had worsened. They were now black and decaying. There were some whitish marks at the base of the wounds. Through close examinations she discovered they were maggots.

He laid there groaning in pain. His eyes were open but Alice was sure he couldn't see a thing. Not in that kind of pain.

Horrible, isn't it? A voice asked behind her. Startled, she turned around and saw it was Fergus. He had changed clothes. He was now putting on white robes with a red belt tied at the waste. He looked refreshed and energized. His expression was like of someone who had won a lottery.

Not as horrible as what will happen to you if you do not stop this. She replied. He smiled genuinely. You don't know when you've lost don't you?

It's never too late, Alice said. Whatever you're planning to do, whatever they promised you, it's not worth it. I've seen what's coming. It's total mayhem. The whole world is going down. Vampires, humans. They're all going down without exemptions.

Let me tell you a little story, Fergus said. Before I became a vampire I was once a young man. It's been so long that not it sounds like a fable to my ears. I was industrious and ambitious. I lived in a town where hard work and dedication always pays. Our king ensured he rewards the most hardworking person every year. It motivated us, made us push ourselves beyond our limits.

I made designs for cloths and I was good at it. When it was time to showcase our talents before the king I proudly brought mine out. Mere looking at it, mine was by far the better design. My parents saw this and they knew I was likely to get the prize from the king. They didn't want me to get it. They had a favorite son, my brother. While I was there they conspired. They sent me on an errand and promised to hold the cloth for me before I return. Go sweet boy, my mother said to me that day, hurry and give this to Mr Grayson and be quick, you don't want to miss the king would you.

Of course mama, I replied, I took it from her and looked at my father. He smiled at me reassuringly. I took off with speed, I had no idea they had prepared a trap. When I was close to Mr Grayson's house, armed men got me. They grabbed me and locked me up in a room. I screamed in agony for hours. Later they came and let me out.

I raced back and discovered everything was over. My brother had claimed my design for himself and the king loved it. My brother became the best for that year, showered with a lot of gifts and praise. The king made him his personal designer. A very great honour. My parents consoled me, they said when they didn't see me they had to give my brother. Of course I believed them, it hurt badly but I blamed the men who locked me. I helped my brother with designs for the king's clothes. He took the credit while I did the hardwork.

Alas nothing stays hidden in this world. One day I spotted one of the men who locked me up. I trailed him and hit him up from behind. I tortured him mercilessly till he confessed my parents were responsible for it. They paid them to keep me locked up. Imagine my pain at that moment.

I confronted them and after much pressure they confessed, my mother tried to be soft but my father told me I was not his biological son. My mother was raped sometimes ago and I was the fruit. I ran away from them, hurt and dejected. I hated them so much that I wished them death.

When I ran away I met my sire. He used my pain as a tool and turned me to a vampire. I killed my parents and especially my brother which was my first task.

Okay, Alice cut in, enough of all your crazy life story, what does all that have to do with this? What does it have to do with what I said?

At that moment I stopped caring, Fergus replied, no one can be trusted, not even the one you love the most. So I decided something. I decided this world needed cleansing, it needed to change. Corruption have entered into the system too deep that it had to be dug out. If killing a few million people is the way to do that and bring about a balanced world then there lives are worth it.

The Darkers have have a legion of demons. Alice said. They're not willing to spare anyone. They're bringing hell to earth. The demon lord would rule everything, there's no room for you. They're just using you, remember errand boy, the price is to reward the demon lord, not you. You're just a puppet. Believe me, I've seen it with my own eyes.

Fergus paused. He considered her for some seconds. Don't listen to her, a voice spoke from behind, we're too close for you to start having doubts.

Startled they both turned and saw a darker standing behind. The darker looked transparent like a hologram. Despite that power radiated from the darker filling the room.

Why haven't you compelled her? The darker asked. There's still vervain in her blood, Fergus replied hesitantly. But within an hour or so it should be clear off her system.

The darker looked at Vladimir on the floor. I'm draining his life force,he said. It's slow but reliable. Hurry and compel her, do whatever it takes. We have waited for far too long, it's time to come back and finish what w started. The Darker then disappeared.

Tell me, Alice said as soon as the Darker was gone. Do you trust the Darkers?

Fergus looked at Alice in silence, he was this close to becoming what he'd always wanted and now everything was falling in place. But whatever way he saw it, Alice was right. Could he trust the Darkers to keep their end of the bargain?

THE LAST BLOODLINE(BOOK1)Where stories live. Discover now