Chapter 15: Getting Things Done

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You were looking around carefully this morning, as you had been brought to the room Stark had been working on for you. Or more specifically, a danger room meant to keep you from hurting anyone while training. Dr. Bruce Banner softly rubbed his hands together. "Okay, Y/N, so basically we're going to just start off with small things, like a test. The goal is to see how far your powers range out. The lights in here are going to be the sensors to trace how much you're outputting, and all of these..." He gestured to different types of handheld containers, ranging from simple glass to durable silicone, and everything in between. "These are you see if we can get some of that.. liquid smoke trapped before it disappears." You nod, looking at your hands. "Okay.. so my main goal is to fill up the containers, and try not to set the lights off..." "Yeah." You nod again, sighing carefully. "Um, thanks, if it means anything right now.." "It's no problem. And, since Loki is actually, quite friendly with helping out when he isn't trying to kill any of us, it's not much of a problem that he's here." You rub your head some and nod again. "Okay.. also, sorry if I.. or that thing that came from me, hurt any of you guys. I honestly have no recollection of it apart from what was broadcast before it all got 'deleted'." "I promise, it's fine Y/N. As long as we can help make sure the outcome is better in case it happens again, it'll be okay. Oh, Loki did give us a few pointers. Let's see. There's some headphones with a fully loaded music player for you in there, and gloves for safety if you choose to use them. There's also some cucumber melon water, and mandarin oranges to eat. Oh, and a puke bucket, too." You blinked, your cheeks red from Loki's attention to you. "R-Right. Thanks again."
Despite Loki wanting to be here with you, you had convinced him to do research on where you had come from, with the help of Thor. You actually wanted him to spend time with his brother too, they had plenty they needed to talk about. As long as they returned safely, it'd be okay. Plus, you could catch up on how to give massages if you had time before he and Thor got back.

Sitting by yourself entirely as Bruce was basically monitoring you in another room, you slide the headphones over your ears. Instead of using your emotions from how people made you feel, you were going to use the songs this time. As you chose a starting song that would get to you, you slide on the safety gloves before picking up the silicone container. It felt weird and firm, but jiggly. So it could hold a gaseous liquid better, right? And the gloves would help with that icky feeling if anything, hopefully.

Hours had gone by so fast that you didn't even notice until you were feeling the after effects worse than before. You had been so busy and focused on trying to get a result, that even when Bruce asked if you wanted to take a break you declined. By now, you were sitting in the middle of the floor, with lots of broken glass and splintered wood around you, sick to your stomach and completely drained. And the gloves literally were torn up themselves, so they had offered no real safety. Each time you managed to get the darkness drawn out, it was either too much or not enough, or seeped back into you faster than you could get it into the more durable containers. Sighing heavily, you carefully squished the silicone container in your grip. Despite it being empty, it was really the final survivor of your chaos. There were small cuts covering your hands from the glass explosion, and they were starting to sting. "Day one feels super hopeless.." You mumbled, and lifted your gaze to the sensor lights. One was flickering, as the other had a busted bulb, which meant you did more harm than good.
"Y/N, we should stop for the night so we can both get some rest, if that's okay with you. I'll tend to your cuts and then we'll continue tomorrow." Bruce's voice came in through one of the speakers again, and you could hear the tiredness in his voice. "Alright..." You begin to stand, only to become overwhelmed with dizziness with spots dancing around your vision, causing you to sit back down and try to calm your breath.
You hear the door open as Bruce comes over to you. "You're kind of burning up, but you never vomited, so that's a good sign even if it's small. It's literally been about 9 hours, since we started this morning." He reassures you, helping you up. "I... I suppose... Thanks." Being helped over to the couch in the lounge, Bruce carefully uses a bit of first aid on your hands and checks over your health. "Your blood pressure is higher than normal, but that should go down by the morning. Just rest here until you feel okay enough to go to your room by yourself." You can only nod as you rest your arm over your eyes. "Okay... Where are the others?" "Well, everyone else still has their own stuff to take care of, you know. Missions and other things like that. I'm just the main one with nowhere to go right now, heh. Oh, and Thor and Loki haven't come back just yet, but I'm sure it won't be too much longer." You sighed carefully and nodded, keeping your arm over your eyes as you rested for a moment.
You thought about what could be going on with the results Loki and Thor were finding. Or, not finding. They'd be tired when they got back, but maybe they'd be okay with you making a late dinner to help them sleep better? Come to think of it, Bruce might be hungry too. Lowering your arm, you carefully sit back up. "Is it okay if I go get some ingredients?" Raising an eyebrow, Bruce looked at you questionably. "Sure? But, maybe have it get delivered here. There's a tablet you can use over there, Tony usually doesn't care for us using it as long as long as it's food related." Pulling yourself up, you went over to where the tablet was sitting.

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