Chapter 19: Darkness and Karaoke

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Your stay at Asgard lasted a full week, instead of the initial day when Odin was very ready to banish you. At that time, you ended up with a few injuries from a full day of training, after you had convinced Loki not to heal you every time you were hurt.
Of course, Hela had been having a blast as she was your main opponent, and she was letting you have it despite 'holding back'. "She asked for it, little brother. Do not direct that spiteful anger towards me." Panting heavily as you were slightly bent over with your hands on your knees, you looked at all of the blades Hela had thrown at you, a few still coated in your blood. Luckily enough, she hadn't accidentally hit a vital spot, but the pain was definitely something you needed to work up a tolerance for. Hela was a good teacher, if not sadistic. "Are you done already, Y/N? I figured that your stamina would last longer than two simple hours, considering how much you and Loki fuck." "Hela, enough! I want to train with Y/N next."
You look up to Thor as you hear him, becoming nervous. "Don't tell me... You want me to work on my close combat skills...?" "Yes!" "No!" Loki was getting fed up as he came over to check on you. "I want my future sister to be prepared in case of an attack, Loki. Plus, I want to see what Darkness can do against normal attacks."
Sighing softly, you look at Loki and smile softly from his concern over you. "I'm fine, Loki, honestly. The most I'll be is sore, but it's a process, right?" You kiss his cheek lovingly. Loki grabs your hand, kissing it softly as he looks at you. "I'd rather have you sore in another way, but I'll gladly take on Hela if you're going against Thor." You heard the competitiveness in his voice, and chuckle softly. "So mischievous and protective, my king." Grinning softly, Loki looked to Hela and Thor. "Would that be fair to you both?"
Hela smirked, as Thor grinned. "Of course."

Your eyes glance over to Loki and Hela as you all were getting ready to fight, Loki having his daggers at the ready as Hela was tossing hers up and down. Looking back up to Thor in front of you, he smiled innocently. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. I'd hate for Loki to come and stab me in the middle of training." You nod, and carefully raise your fists in the way you have always been shown. Darkness pooled around your feet, raising up to around your wrists. "Sorry if Darkness does something, too."
Nodding, Thor got ready to train with you, throwing the first punch.

An hour had gone by already, and thanks to Darkness you were definitely lasting longer than you thought you would. Thor would throw in tips as he fought you, helping you up each time you went down by an unexpected hit. "Keep your fists at eye level. Bend your knees. Watch your opponent to predict what they'll do next. Keep yourself braced."
By a few royal guards were spectating the training. Mainly Loki and Hela's, as they were doing much more advanced fighting with their distance between each other. Unfortunately, Hela's carelessness for said spectators and others alike was obvious.
You feel a stabbing hot pain in your lower side from the back suddenly, but Darkness makes you fall backwards onto your other side so fast that you almost don't notice that Thor had just missed punching you square in the face during your slight distraction. "Y/N?!" "Oops.." "Hela, what the hell?!"
You let out a heavy sigh to try and not think about the double pain. "I'm fine- Oh.." Your hand touches Hela's dagger that's stuck deep in your side, igniting the fiery pain in an instant, and you fold your hands over your stomach to keep from losing it. Thor kneels down quickly to help, nervous. "I-Its honestly not that bad. We just have to get this out.."
Loki is already at your side, his eyes on the dagger before he glares over to Hela. "You hit her on purpose!" "It was a slip of the hand, honestly." Hela came over next with her hands on her hips, looking over the damage. "Oh, you wimps. Even Y/N is handling this better. All we have to do is-"
You feel her yank out the dagger in one go, and you bite your tongue as Loki and Thor yell at Hela in unison. "Oh, shut your annoying traps. She isn't even bleeding.. much."
It was true, Darkness was stopping the bleeding as best she could, but you were still in a lot of pain. "I-i guess training is done for the day..." You say carefully, holding your gasp of pain back as Loki picks you up gingerly. "Yes, it is. We need to get you to bed." Unable to argue with him, you can only nod. But Thor was filling up the arguing with Hela pretty well as Loki carried you out of the training room.

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