chapter 19

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He hadn't woken her up the next morning and left for work like he usually did. Zahara felt fine for the majority of the day, but as the time came closer for him to return, her hands began shaking.

"Get a grip, Zahara. It's just a kiss." She muttered to herself. She couldn't even imagine what it would feel like, but the thought of it made her stomach clench. She didn't want to compare it with Ethan, but she knew it would be much better. Even when Samir held her hand, or a kiss on her cheek made her feel more tingly than the kiss he had taken from her.

She sat at the counter, waiting for the oven to start beeping. She crossed her arms on the table and laid her head on them, regulating her breathing.

She didn't even feel hungry anymore. The alarm started beeping, letting her know that her Mac and Cheese were ready to be served.

She sighed, lifting her head from the counter. Her eyes caught a dark figure leaning against the kitchen door. Her breath was caught in her throat as soon as she saw him. He had his arms crossed and watched her with a serious expression. Zahara gulped nervously, forgetting how to speak.

He stepped in further, leaning on the counter opposite her. Zahara tried to maintain eye contact with him, but she shied away quickly. Samir moved around the counter, quickly shutting off the alarm and turning her stool to face him.

"Hi." He greeted.

"Hey." She mumbled shyly.

Zahara could feel her heart pounding harshly. Samir raised his hand to her face, cupping her cheek gently and tilting her head up.

"Are you willing?" He asked, watching her intently.

She gave him a slight nod, looking up into his eyes. He leaned down further until he was only a breath away from her. Zahara's eyes fluttered closed and waited, not knowing if she was supposed to lean forward or stay still, pucker her lips, or keep them relaxed.

He smiled at her while her eyes stayed closed before brushing his lips against hers. Her breath hitched, and he paused. Zahara felt her stomach burst with warmth. His lips felt so soft on hers, and she wondered if hers felt the same.

He pressed them harder, tilting his head a little. Zahara pulled away slightly, opening her eyes to look at him. Samir raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to blush.

"Okay?" He asked concerned. She quickly nodded. "I don't know..."

"It's okay. Just do what feels right." He replied with a smile.

He kissed her again, placing his hands on her waist. Zahara placed her hands on his forearms, slowly moving them up to his shoulders. His hands slid down to her thighs, parting them. When he jerked her hips forward, she gasped, but he didn't pull away, instead sliding his tongue into her mouth. She moaned with surprise, closing her eyes tighter and gripping his suit between her fingers. He pulled away from her, continuing to peck her lips and moving his lips down to her jaw.

She took a deep breath, shuddering as his lips caressed her neck. Samir could hear her panting, but he wanted to hear more. He gently scraped his teeth on the nape of her neck before pulling her skin between his lips. She moaned softly, tilting her head back.

"I can't get enough of you." He grunted in between kisses. Zahara blushed gazing up at him as pulled away.

"Fuck this."

He tugged her off the stool by her hand and she stumbled after him confused. He pulled her into the living room, releasing her hand and settling down on the sofa. She stood in front of him with her hands clasped, not knowing what he wanted her to do. Samir leaned back spreading his arms out on the back of the sofa, smirking up at her.

Arranged: BetrothedWhere stories live. Discover now