Oh Well

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"Harry get your willy out of that girl and out of that bed right now" Niall grumbled angrily.

"Not while you two are standing here!" Harry hissed.

"We have every right to be here!" Niall scolded.

"Who even is that!?" Harry yelled pointing at me.

"Who even is that!?" Niall yelled pointing at Callie.

"Are you and Niall doing it?" Callie cackled.

"No!" Niall and I yelled in unision as I blushed and died inside that someone would even consider that I may be fucking Niall Horan.

"Maybe we should start over," I suggested.

"MAYBE WE SHOULD GET SOME FUCKING PANTS ON" Callie screeched, making everyone notice that I was the only one fully dressed in this room.

"Then why don't you leave," grumbled Harry in his husky voice that made me melt, although it was scolding me.

Callie hustled out of the bed butt naked and grabbed my hand and I cringed. "Let's go, May." She dragged me out of the hotel room as I noticed she was walking in a fancy establishment completely unclothed, I just saw Niall Horan undress, defend me, and I just kind of met Harry Styles, and that's when I passed out on the floor.

Everything was dark, I don't remember what I dreamed but I'm pretty sure it wasn't relelvant to the situation and had E.T in it. 

I woke up in the hotel room, tucked into bed. It probably wasn't Callie who put me there, I also hope it wasn't her assuming she was naked the whole time.

I got up and looked around the room; no one was there. I looked in the mirror, and scowled. My hair was a wreck, my shirt was not as flattering as I thought it was this morning, and I looked like shit in general.

I opened the door and looked out into the hallway, I didn't see anyone either way. I scuttled back into the room, only to find it was 4:30 in the morning. I wasn't tired at all, so I figured I would walk around. I walked passed Niall's door, but I assumed he was sleeping. Harry's door had a "do not disturb" sign on it, assuming he has continued adventuring inside my friend. My feet slid along the carpet passed door I could only assume were Louis', Zayn's, and Liam's. I walked into the elevator and the cold marble felt nice against my feet.

I arrived in the lobby only to be greeted by about 20 girls in sleeping bags who had been up all night waiting for the boys. The only other people in the lobby were two giant men body guards. 

A girl whispered to me "Take me with you..." 

I stood there thinking for a second. These girls all have the exact same dream as me, and I'm living it.

"Come with me" I motioned to the 20 restless girls. 

"Woah woah woah, we can't allow that." The body guards grumbled.

"Why? I'm a guest at this hotel, and these are my friends, I would like to invite them up to my room. You can't stop me," I scolded.

They stood there confused and angry as a trail of girls followed me into the elevator.

We packed ourselves in, and I immediatly regretted my desicion but oh well. I led them up to my floor and had them follow me in a straight line to Niall's door.

"Please be nice, you guys." I pleaded. They nodded vigorously.

I knocked quietly, which was then followed with a squeaky noise, some stomping, and a creaking barely opening of the door.

"Ello," a rusty Irish accent mumbled, his eyes barely open. "Who are you?" he groaned.

I stared at him a little confused and hurt.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, sorry, I'm a litle dazed," he laughed. "Never caught your name though! Did you get back okay? I had to carry you back to your bed, big girl, aren't ya?"

I turned really red and tried not to say anything.

"Oh my god, no oh my god. That was so rude, I'm so sorry, love, that wasn't supposed to... I'm sorry!" He opened the door wider and reached his arms out to hug me, and then saw that I was surrounded by about 20 girls.

"Oh." he scratched his head.

The girls started bouncing up and down, seeing that the only thing he was wearing was boxers. 

"What can I do for you girls?" he smiled sleepily.

They all pulled pen and paper out of their pockets and started talking and giggling and smiling, and Nial signed, greeted and hugged each and everyone of them.

"Thanks," I whispered. 

"Anytime, love," he grinned and showed perfect smile. his eyes sparkling. He shut the door, and I esquorted all the girls into the elevator.

There was silence until one girl spoke up and loudly asked, "Are you fucking Niall?"

I stood awkwardly and said, "I wish. He doesn't even know my name."


Thanks for taking the time to read Chapter 3! <3 Chapter 4 will be up soon! @molestyles 

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