Welcome back....

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*it had been a couple days since Lana and Kathy got back. Lana had spent some time in the pod along with Kathy, Lana who wasn't as hurt got out before Kathy who was still in there. The whole team sitting there waiting*

Coran how much longer until she gets outttt?
We made a deal and we can't stick to that deal with her in there!

Deal? what deal did you make with each other

*pidge asked smirking at Lana*

that's for me to know and you not to find out until Kathy gets out

Ughhhhh!! Lana! just tell us!!!

*the pod opened up Kathy falling out of it coughing being caught by lana*

woah there you alright kathy..?

mmh... what happened...?

we put you in the pod for a couple days so you could heal seems like it worked

i'm still exhausted though... can we go to bed....?

*Kathy lays her head on Lana's shoulder closing her eyes*

yes we can... kath

*Lana picks Kathy up bridal style taking her to Lana's room laying her down on her bed*

here you just lay here and i'll be back i'm gonna go get you some clothes from your room

nooo...... Lana don't leave....

kathy it'll only be a minute

no please....

*kathy looks at Lana with pleading eyes. and Lana walks back over to her sitting beside her*

You alright Kathy...?

Lana..... to be honest no... i'm not.... i'm scared i don't want them to take us away again.....

*Kathy sits up looking at Lana*

Don't worry. i won't let them take you.....

*kathy lays on lana closing her eyes. Lana wraps her arms around Kathy holding her*

please don't leave me....

i won't Kathy i promise...

*A couple hours later lana was up playing with the sleeping girls hair. Shiro walks in checking on them*

Lana? how's Kathy? is she alright?

shhh she's sleeping.... poor thing.. she's scarred now... i should've been able to protect us better....

Lana  none of this is your fault, don't blame yourself for it.. you couldn't have known that this all would've happened

I know but i should've been prepared! Shiro if i could've protected her like i promised you, she wouldn't be in the mess

Lana your forgetting that it happened to you too your also hurting i know you are... i just want you to know i'm here for you both of you if you need me..

I know..... i just feel bad because now what if she's scared to go back out and fight...?

let's not think about that right now... let's just focus on getting her back healthy...

okay shiro...

get some rest you need it

*shiro walks out closing the door behind him leaving Lana and Kathy to rest*

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