The date: Talissa and Josh

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Therapist's office 

Monday,  morning;

Talissa is in her therapist's office. She's seated on a single sofa while her therapist is seated in front of her in a round chair. She's taking notes and drinking tea. 

- So, Talissa...How was your week? 

- Last week was fine... 

- Tell me what you did. 

- Oh, I just worked a lot! We are launching a new cover for the magazine. - The therapist nods and listens carefully.- and I went to the gym and I went on a date. 

- How nice! Anything else? 

Talissa takes her hand to her throat as she looked like she was about to choke. 

- I feel like there's something you want to say...

- Ah yes... (pause) Aaron is back (pause) and we slept together. Just once!

The therapist stops writing in her notebook and looks at Talissa in silence. 

- He came back? 

- Yes, he's back in New York and he's working in the company, again. 

- The date you had...was with him?

- Oh no, it was with Josh. 

- And how do you feel about him coming back? 

Talissa gets nervous and looks down.

- I feel nervous having him around. He was seeing someone else, someone from work and I was finally moving on from him. 

- And...Did you sleep together? 


- We me I already feel like shit! (pause) I just thought he wanted to rekindle things between us and I thought I wanted him back. It was a mistake.

-  The date you had with someone else, was after or before you slept with Aaron? 

- After.

- So that means you're trying to move one...

- I'm not sure if I even want to move on. I was sure before he showed up but now I'm confused.

- Do you remember when you were talking about your daily routine and how I commented on how it seemed organized? - Talissa nods her head.- And we established that you like to order and you hate change. 

- I get where you're trying to sa...

- I know you're scared of what's new.  And let's say the new thing is Josh and your comfort zone and daily routine is Aaron. You're comfortable with Aaron, and you know what to expect, that's perfect! That's easy! But you can't keep holding to the past because you've been there. You have to look into the future and see that change is not bad after all. 

- But what if I get hurt again? 

- Well...If you get hurt again, you lift your head up and lift yourself off the ground. Just like you did with your mother, with high school and your business. 

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