Episode 2

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10 years ago

A 16-year-old Talissa arrives at school in her aunt's car. They parked in front of the entrance. Talissa looks out of the window, nervously. It was the first day of school. 

Aunt Sarah:

Are you ok, kiddo? 

Young Talissa:

Yes (sighs) Just a bit nervous. What if I don't make any friends?

Aunt Sarah:

It's only the first day of school, I'm sure you will make lots of friends. Just don't forget to keep your head high and smile, ok?

Talissa nods and gets out of the car. Her aunt observes her and shouts 'I love you' which makes Talissa blush, walking faster to the inside of the school.

A few minutes later, Talissa is seated in class and listens to what the teacher is lecturing. The teacher interrupts the class to call out a distracted student.


Can you please pay attention to the class, Miss Evans? 

The girl next to Talissa becomes paralyzed while hearing her name. She closes her notebook full with drawings and against her will, pays attention. Talissa stares at her for a while and then, when the teacher turns around, Zoe continues drawing. Talissa laughs softly at such an attitude. A few hours later, they have gym class and change in the locker rooms. Talissa changes uncomfortably and quickly exits the locker room. After a few minutes, she realizes she has left her jacket in the changing area. She goes back and finds a girl changing her clothes, taking off two pads off her butt. The girl notices Talissa and becomes shocked. Talissa looks away quickly and picks up her jacket. 


HEY! What's your name? 


 Talissa. (nervously)


(she approaches her) Hear me out, Talissa. If you tell anyone what you saw, I'm going to make your life, for the rest of your school year, a fucking nightmare, do you understand? (Talissa nods anxiously) Leave! 

She leaves the locker room running. A few hours later, every student heads to the cafeteria for lunch. After picking up her food, Talissa walks around the cafeteria looking for a place to sit and sits alone next to Yovanna's table. She was seated in her boyfriend's lap talking to everyone. Talissa begins to eat and Yovanna stares at her.


Seriously, how much can she eat? Hadn't she eaten enough? (she tells with disklike and a few friends laugh out loud looking at Talissa) I swear, if I were that fat I would starve myself. (laughs) 

The scene ends with a zoom on Talissa's face, holding back her tears.

Present day

Yovanna arrives at the Real Beauty office with her manager. 

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