chapter 9: Seperated

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We arrive back to the fortress, however, the walls are broken down.

"What happened?" Matt gasps.

"Oh no." Lance looks up at me. "You dont-"

"I hope they're okay." I interrupt him not wanting to hear our friends and family are gone. "Gear up!" I order and we get off the bus.

We start a search and immediately I get a bad feeling.

"No one split up. We dont need another Griff-" I look to Matt before he finishes his sentence.. "right, Yeah just dont split up."

We begin searching in Lance's house. We search the rooms, attic, basement, and even the shed. No one of his family. Alurra and coran were no where to be found either.

"What about pidge?" Matt asks.

"We need to look for Keith first. Shiros house is right there." Lance points out.

"Right." Matt replies.

We enter my home and the door is busted open, dead zombies on the ground, bullet holes, blood, and broken glass everywhere. "Oh no..."

We look around carefully. As soon as we turn the corner to the livingroom, someone runs into my chest. "Oof" She let's out as she lands on the ground.

"Pidge!" Matt let's out as he runs to help her up.

"What happened? Where are the others?" I ask.

"After you left there were others that showed up. The mayor let them in the town. But..." She sits down on the couch.

"But what?" I ask.

"Instead of wanting shelter they wanted our supplies and people." She answers and looks up at me. "They took almost everyone."

"We weren't gone for that long." Lance states.

"It happened so fast because we wouldn't give up what they wanted so they destroyed the gate and Zombies came piling in from a Simi truck they had." Pidge explains. "These people are sick." She adds. "The load of herds of them and invade shelters like this and steal."

"Where is everyone else?" Matt asks.

"Where are our families? Where is Shay?" Hunk asks.

"Gone." Pidge answers in a grave tone. "Shay...I tried...I tried saving her."

"She was-"

"Eaten...." pidge sobs.

I look to Hunk who looks as if he was about to break down.

"Our families were captured. They took them to their place." She explains.

"Keith?" I ask.

"I don't know. I was seperated from him. Allura and Coran were with him. I was with acxa and shay." Pidge answers.

"Where's Acxa?" I now ask.

Pidge sighs and shakes her head.

"There were so many." She states.

"So if you were seperated from Keith why are you in shiros and his house?" Lance asks.

"Looking for everyone." She answers.

"Is it just you here?" I now ask.

"Coran and kosmo. They are-"

"Right here." Coran makes us all jump.

"Coran." I walk up to the two. "Where Keith and Allura?"

"Taken. Those brutes took them." Coran answers. "Keith tried to fight them and the zombies off to let Allura and I escape but not much a lad can do with a twisted ankle.

I look to Lance who looked as pissed off as I felt.

"We need to get them back." Lance states. I nod.

"We will get everyone back." I state. I look to coran again. "How was allura taken?"

"She tried to save keith but they took her aswell. I tried to go and help but kosmo here teleplorted me away." Coran answers partly annoyed.

"Why did kosmo save just you and not keith?" Hunk now asks.

"Keith told him to." Coran answers.

"Following orders..." I mumble.

"What's the plan shiro?" Lance asks.

"Did they happen to say where they were taking them?" I ask pidge and coran.

"A prison." Pidge answers.

"The only prison around here is passed the base we just escaped from." Lance states.

"Did you-"

"No." I answer. "There was no cure. They moved the cure. Probably because of the idiots who stole our friends and family."

"There's probably so many if them. And now it's down to just all of us." Hunk states. "What do we do?"

"I don't know yet." I answer.

"Did they say why they wanted the town people?" Lance asks.

"Repopulating." Pidge answers. "They took families that had children saying they would keep them safe. Then they grabbed young women to repopulate with."

"Then why keith?" I ask.

"Leader said something about liking his spark of some sort." Coran answers.

"Probably more men into his crew?" Lance asks.

"Wouldn't doubt it. They took most of the soldiers and fighters and left the rest of us for dead." Pidge explains.

"So why mom and dad?" Matt now asks.

"Scientists. Forcing to make a cure." Pidge answers.

"Wait, what happened to Rolo?" Pidge asks.

"Nyma got caught as the spy and so Rolo stayed behind with her." I answer.

"They're probably-"

"Dead...." Lance finishes for her.

We all look at one another. And as if we read each other's minds and had the same idea, we all nod and start packing weapons.

"It's time to get our family back." I state as I load the rest of my remaining team onto the bus.

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