Disposable Hospital Gowns (Ch.16)

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Tate's POV

Isn't it crazy how someone can have such a crazy impact on your life? I never thought life would be this way. Constantly, meaningful words are thrown around. I love you. I want to be with you forever. I promise. But with Luna Mae it's different. Every syllable is meant. What I've learned from her is that you should mean it every time you say it because you never know when it may be the last time. Every word is meant, every action is carefully thought out, every moment is cherished deeply. That's how life is normally supposed to be. For me it never was. Life was always about living in the moment and forgetting the past. The past was always fucked up.

Now the present is fucked up. If Luna Mae wakes up and I'm gone, she will be decanted beyond words. If I wake up without Luna Mae. It will hurt. It will all be over. I couldn't do it. It was great having a constant person in my life. Someone who loves me for the person I really am. Someone I can be myself around. If I lost her, I know that I'd never find another like her. We have a bond and connection that I've never felt with anyone else. Although I've never felt much for another person. From the moment I met her, it was like we were never strangers. With Luna Mae it was like I could finally take off my mask and reveal my true flesh.

Luna had saved me from my dark past that truly consumed me and my every thought. She may not know it but she changed my outlook on life. Before she came around everything was insane. I thought life was never going to turn around. Like as if I was in a dark room a million miles long, just looking for the light switch. Luna happened to be in this room with me and flip on this switch. Without her I would've been stuck in the dark forever.

Luna's POV :
Opening my eyes for the first time in a week was like being reborn. It was a strange sensation that I had never experience and hopefully will never experience again. Everything was brighter than before but something around me was different. A completely different aura. I tried to speak but all I could manage was a muffled groan. The seats around made a hustling noise, conveying they had gotten up from their chairs. As soon as I could focus on the blur hovering me I realized that my mother was the only one above me. But Tate would normally be here? What if he decided to move on while I was in my state of unconsciousness? It was unfathomable the amount of things that Tate could've done or decided in the time span of a week I just hoped that discarding me from his life was not one.

"Luna Mae" my mother cried out bringing me in to her arms. The feeling was not new, but more comfortable than ever. The loud sobs coming from the woman who cared so much about me, were practically unbearable, due to the fact that my head was pounding vigorously. I wrapped my arms around her, comforting her as much as I possibly could. It was obvious the stress she had been put under, the dark under-eye circles, the way she held herself, and the amount of weeping she was doing. I gently rubbed her back soothing her, without saying a word, reminding her that it was all okay now.

As soon as the sobbing had ceased, she pulled away and looked at me in the eyes. Sorrow had replaced the natural glow from her eyes. Something had gone awry.

"Mom, where is he? Please, tell me he's okay." Immediately, breathing got harder, my chest pained, and my whole body ached. The sobs got louder and became gasps for air. Tate wasn't okay. The realization that something was terribly wrong made me panic.

She stared at me. Desolation consumed her eyes. My heart rate began to speed up.

"Mom!" I yelled, with the air I could gather in to my lungs.
"Where is Tate?" I yelled again. My mom rubbed my shoulder softly, tears quietly falling off her cheeks.

A few minutes after I could regain myself, Brandy stepped through the door to my room. Her eyes were bloodshot. It was weird seeing a woman with such absolute beauty in such a miserable state. Her normally flawless hair, had flyaways that were obviously unattainable and her hands were shaky beyond words.

"Brandy, please." I choked. "Tell me. Tell me where he is."

She took one of the biggest breaths I'd ever seen anyone take and began her story.

It was hard. Difficult to hear. I felt broken. The state I had just awoken from, Tate was in.

He was in a coma, close to death.

Authors Note:
I'm so sorry for not updating more often. I've been very busy, I currently have a lot going on. I'll try to update more often but it's been very hectic lately. Thank you so much for sticking around. I love you all. And also thank you for the support and interest in Red Velvet. Much love. xx

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