Chapter 3: Special Fairies Need A Name

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Chapter 3

Sara's P.O.V.

"Morning girls." I yawned as I walked into the main room. "Morning Sara. Classes are canceled today because of what happened last night." Aqua said. "Perfect. I'm way too tired to go to classes, considering we were the ones fighting the witches." I replied.

There was a sharp knock on the door. "Girls, Headmistress Faragonda wants to talk to you in her office as soon as possible." Mrs. Griselda's muffled voice came through the door. "Ok" I yelled to her. "I don't want to be bothered with going through a whole routine today. Time for some magic!" Carissa said. Within seconds we were all dressed and our hair and makeup was done. "Thanks Carissa!" I said excitedly. She smiled. "Let's go see Mrs. F." Fireis said.


"You wanted to talk with us Mrs. F?" I said, opening the door to her office. "Yes yes, please come in and sit down." We all came in and sat down in front of her desk.

"I wanted to thank you girls for protecting everyone last night. And to tell you that Thundra, Iceis and Darkra have been severely punished and their powers have been cut off for a week so they won't be harming anyone for a while." She explained. "That's their names? Wow their parents must have hated them." Carissa said. "Carissa." I said warningly. "Sorry." She said quickly. Mrs. F looked at her sternly.

"I would also like to ask you a very important question before you leave." Mrs. F continued. "What would that be?" Electra asked. "I was wondering if you girls would like to take a special class with me. Considering that you are already above where the rest of the girls in Transformation and Defense class are. You would not be attending that class and instead you would be training with me." We looked at each other."I think we all would like that." I said. "Good. Now one last thing. I've been thinking. You six make a great team. Why don't you give yourselves a name?" She said leaving us wondering.

"That sounds like a great idea. Six of the strongest fairies at Alfea forming a group. I like it." Fireis said excitedly. "Alright. We can decide on one later. Right now I need to get a new phone. I left my other one back on Earth and I don't think it would work here anyways." I said. "Let's go shopping then!" Carissa yelled. "Goodbye girls." "Bye Mrs. Faragonda!"


"Well I got my new phone. What now?" I asked the girls. "Pizza and then we should go back to the dorm. Or ask Mrs. F to let us use part of the quad as a training area." Electra said. "I say training." Aqua said. "I agree with Aqua." Fireis said. "Alright. Pizza and training it is." I said.

"Oh my gosh this pizza is soo good!" I said excitedly. "Well duh! Emmy's Pizza is the best pizza place in Magix." Carissa said. I laughed. "Let's hurry up so we can get back to Alfea and train." Aqua said. "Guys I think we have a problem." Digi said quietly.

"Who are you losers and what are you doing at my table?" A girl with long blue-black hair asked us in a snobbish voice. "Eating pizza, and since when is this your table? I don't see your name on it." Fireis asked her back. "Ugh. Alfea brats are so difficult." "Brats?! Who are you calling a brat you disrespectful little-" "Calm down Electra." I said, cutting her off.

"Look there's no need to fight over a table. And why are you calling us brats?" I asked, turning to the girl. "Well it's obvious that you have never heard of Beta. Beta is so much better than stupid Alfea." She said, picking at her nails. 'No one talks about my school that way!' I thought. "Sounds like Beta is filled with the spoiled brat fairies." I retaliated.

"Ugh that's it! Katy! Stacey! We're leaving!" She almost yelled. "Yes Missy." The two girls behind her said in sync. "Calm down. Don't throw a hissyfit." Carissa said, pushing 'Missy' over the edge. "Grrrr! Tantrum Tyrade!" She yelled. Green spheres of light shot out of her fists and exploded around the room. "C'mon girls lets go!" Aqua yelled and we all ran out of Emmy's Pizza.

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