Chapter 6:New Friends and Vacation Time

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Chapter 6

Sara's P.O.V.

"Boy, training is hard." Carissa complained. "Ya." I agreed. "So are you going on a date with Sam tomorrow night?" She asked. "Actually, yes I am." I replied. "Ooh where is he taking you?" "I have no clue. He wouldn't tell me." I admitted. "Oh well do you want some help with your outfit and hair?" She asked. "Sure. I was going to use magic but a Carissa makeover sounds better." I replied. "Yay! Did he tell you if it was fancy or casual?" She questioned."Kinda in-between." I answered. "Okay."

"I'm going for a walk. See you girls later." I said. They waved. I went in the forest where Sam asked me to be his girlfriend. I saw one of the bushes ahead of me start moving. I stood still, ready to transform, in case something wanted to attack me. Instead the bush split in two and several small, winged girls came out.

"Woah." I said under my breath. "Who are you?" One of them asked me. "I'm Sara, Fairy of Music and Nature." I responded. "My name is Luna, I'm the Pixie of Stars. and these are my friends, Serene, Pixie of Animals, Genevieve, Pixie of Serenity, Holly, Pixie of Christmas Cheer, Mimi, Pixie of Nanotechnology and Willa, Pixie of Color. We are lost." Luna explained. "Here why don't I take you to Headmistress Faragonda, she'll know what to do." I said. They all nodded "Well then let's go!" Serene said. "Here, if you're tried I can just carry you to Alfea." I offered. "Okay." They said.

"Mrs Faragonda, I need to talk with you." I said." Come on in. What is the matter?" She asked. "I went for a walk and I found these pixies in a bush. They said they were lost." I explained. "We went to get berries for the Jun Jun festival and a creature attacked us. Serene tried to calm it down, but it didn't work. We were hiding in that bush for two days." Luna said. "It's oayk. How about you stay here for the night and Sara and her friends will take you back to your village in the morning." Mrs. F said. "Okay." Luna said. "They can stay in my dorm with us." I said. "Okay. Goodbye Sara." I waved.


The pixies followed me to the dorm. "Hey girls. I want you to meet my new friends that I found in a bush." I said. "This is Luna, Serene, Genevieve, Holly, Mimi, and Willa." "Hi." They said. Each pixie then flew to a different fairy. Serene went to Aqua, Genevieve went to Electra, Holly went to Fireis, Mimi went to Digi, Willa went to Carissa and Luna stayed with me.

"Wow." Luna said. "I didn't think that our bonded fairies would be friends and in the same dorm room." "Bonded fairies?" I asked. "You see, Serene is bonded with your friend over there." She started. "Aqua." I said. "Aqua. Genevieve is bonded with, um." "Sorry, I should have introduced the girls. They are Aqua, Electra, Fireis, Digi, and Carissa." I said. "Okay so Genevieve is bonded with Electra, Holly is bonded with Fireis, Mimi is bonded with Digi, Willa is bonded with Carissa and I'm bonded with you." Luna said quickly. "No wonder we get along so well." I said.

"Okay we should be getting to bed." Electra said. We all nodded. "C'mon Luna." I said. "I share a room with Aqua, so you get to stay in my room." "Okay." She nodded.


"Morning Luna." I said. "Morning Sara." She responded. "C'mon, we need to get you back to your village." I said, picking her up. She just nodded. "I talked with Mrs. F, she said that the guys will be picking us up." Aqua said to me when I came out of our room. "Kay." I said. I used magic to get ready because I was lazy and didn't want to work too hard to look good. "Hurry up, their ship just landed!" Electra yelled. "C'mon." I said, heading to the ship with Luna hot on my heels.

"Hey cutie." Sam said as soon as he saw me. "Hey." I said. "Who is he?" Luna asked me. "Luna this is Sam, he's my boyfriend." I said. "Sam this is Luna, my pixie." "Hi." Luna said. "Where are the rest of the girls?" Alex asked when he saw me. "Still getting ready." I said. "Alex!" I heard Carissa yell. "Hey Caribear." "C'mon, we need to go, that way we can still make it to our afternoon classes." I said, getting on the ship.

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