Chapter 5: Charmix Time

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Chapter 5

Sara's P.O.V.

"You wanted to see us Mrs. F?" I said. "Yes girls. Come in." She said. "I have a very important assignment for you. I think that it is time for you six to earn you Charmix." "What?" Carissa said. "I thought that we are supposed to earn our Charmix in our second year of school." "That's normally what happens but after what Digi told me about your last encounter with them, it would be better if you had your Charmix." Mrs. F explained. "Okay, how do we earn our Charmix?" I asked. "To earn your Charmix you must get in touch with your inner selves." "Alright. We can do this girls." I said, turning to the rest of the Winx. "Good. You are free to go now." "Bye."

"I'm going to train for a bit. See you later!" Electra said. "I have an potion assignment due soon, I need to work on it. Bye!" Digi said, heading to the potion lab. "I'm going shopping with Fireis. See you later!" Carissa said, dragging Fireis with her. "I'll see what you bought later, I promise." I called after her. "I'm going swimming in Lake Roccaluce. Wanna come?" Aqua asked me. "No thanks, I have to meet Sam in the forest. He said he has something to give me." I said. "Oh, well, see you later." She said. "Bye."


After walking for a half an hour I finally saw Sam. "Hey Sammy." I said, walking towards him. "Hey cutie." Sam said, hugging me. "So what did you want to give me?" "This." He said and pulled out a small box. I opened it. Inside was a heart shaped locket that had S.H and S.G engraved in it. "It's beautiful." I gasped. "Not as beautiful as you." He said, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Aww you're too sweet." I said while blushing. He chuckled. "I love you Sara." "I love you too Sam." I said, hugging him. "I gotta go, I promised Carissa I'd see what she bought today. I'll see you later." I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Bye cutie."


I had just finished watching Carissa put on a fashion show with the clothes she bought when Electra came running in."Sara you won't believe what happened!" Electra yelled. "What?" I said. "I got my Charmix!' She said. That's awesome! How did you get it?" "Well I was training and Evan showed up and we got talking and I kinda told him how I felt about him, and then BOOM, Charmix!" She said excitedly. "Way to go girl!" Carissa yelled. "I'm gunna go see if the piano is still on the stage." "Okay see you later." They said.

'It's still here." I thought and walked up to it. I sat down and started playing. After a couple songs I stopped. Then I did something I haven't done since my mom went missing. Using my powers I made the piano play by itself and I started dancing.

I used to take dance lessons before my mom disappeared. I started laughing. 'I really miss you mom and don't worry, I'll find you someday.' I started glowing. "I got my Charmix!" I said out loud. All of a sudden the wall exploded. The witches were back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "We are here to destroy you and the rest of the stupid pixies." Thundra said. "Is that piano playing by itself?" Iceis asked. I snapped my fingers and it stopped. "Are you ready to be stopped again?" I asked. "Bring it on, pixie." Darkra said.

I transformed into my fairy form. "Charmix!" My Charmix was a pink and green treble clef charm and a pink and green music player on my hip. "Ooh your a Charmix fairy now. Oh well, we'll still destroy you." Thundra said. 'I need the girls.' I thought. 'What was that spell I remember my mom saying when I was little? Oh ya!' I mentally facepalmed myself.

'Tick tock, time to talk, Carissa!' I thought. I started wrapping vines around them. 'Carissa grab the girls and get down to the stage ASAP I'm under attack!' I said to her. 'How are you talking to me?' She asked. 'I remembered a spell I heard my mom say when I was little.' I explained while attacking the witches. 'Okay we'll be there soon.'

Carissa's P.O.V.

"Girls we have to go to the stage. Sara's under attack!" I yelled. "Where's Digi?" Fireis asked. "Hi girls." Digi said excitedly. "Hey Digi what's up?" Aqua asked. "I got my Charmix!" She yelled. "Awesome!" We all yelled. "Okay now that Digi is here let's go save Sara!" I yelled. "Magic Winx!" We yelled. "Charmix!" Digi and Electra yelled. "C'mon!" Aqua yelled. We flew to the stage.

Sara's P.O.V.

"Sonic Blast!" I yelled. "Emerald Ivy!" I had the witches wrapped together. "Harmonic Attack!" "You again?! Why can't you leave us alone!" Carissa yelled. "Girls!" I said. "How did they know we were here?!" Thundra exclaimed. "Electra, Digi, lets do a Charmix Convergence!" I said. "The rest of you do a convergence too!" "Oh no!" The witches cried. "Take this!" We yelled. They ran away. "We did it!"

We transformed back and walked to Mrs. F's office. "Hello girls." "Hi Mrs. F. We were just attacked by the witches, but we beat them!" Carissa said excitedly. "Again?" Mrs. F asked. "Ya but because Digi, Electra and I have our Charmix, we got rid of them for a little while." I said. "Good." "I have to go, I'm meeting Will at Emmy's Pizza." Aqua said. "Kay bye." We said. "I have to go too. I'm going for a walk with Hunter." We waved. "I'm going to train, see you later." Carissa said. "Bye." I said.

Aqua's P.O.V,

"Hey Will. I thought we were meeting at Emmy's?" I said. "We were, but I got thinking, and I decided to pick you up." "Aww." I said. "Hop on." I nodded.

"So how are you liking the school year so far?" He asked. "Other than missing most of the first week because of a mission and witch attacks, it's okay." "I have to tell you something." He said, taking my hands. "When we were flying over Borealise's Mountain, and you were fighting the griffon, I was scared that you would get hurt."

"Honestly, I was scared that it would hurt you, because I care about you, a lot." I admitted. "Aqua, I don't mean to alarm you but, you're glowing." "Huh?" I said looking down. "Awesome! I got my Charmix." I said excitedly. He smiled and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, with a huge smile on my face.

Fireis's P.O.V.

"Hunter, why do you look so scared?" I asked, poking his cheek. "I'm afraid you won't like me because I'm not from a royal family." He said. "Don't be saying that. You were meant for me and I will always love you, even if you aren't royalty." I said, kissing him on the cheek. "Fireis you're glowing." He said. "I got my Charmix." I said. "This is so awesome!"

Carissa's P.O.V.

"Sun Dance!" I yelled, taking out a row of training dummies. I flew threw the flight test several times, failing at the lava wall. "Why can't I get past the lava wall?" I said, getting angry. "That's it. I'm blasting it." I focused. "Sun Storm!" I yelled. My attack bounced off the lava. "Eek!" I let out a small scream.

'Just focus.' I thought. "I am Carissa, Fairy of the Shining Sun and I will get past this lava wall." I said. "Sun Dance!" I yelled, using all of my power. It hit the lava wall with such force that it opened a hole large enough to fly through. "I did it!" I yelled. I started glowing. "Oh my gosh I got my Charmix!"

I flew to the dorm window. Sara and Electra were in there. I flew in the window and transformed back into my normal form. "Hey." I said to them. "Hi there. You do know we have a door, right?" Electra asked me. "I know but I was training and the window was open and I didn't want to go up the stairs." I said.

"So what's up?" Sara asked. "Nothin much, other than getting my Charmix." I said like it was no big deal. "That makes four of us that have our Charmix." Sara said. "Now all we need is Fireis and Aqua-" She was cut off by Fireis and Aqua running in the room. "I got my Charmix!" They both yelled. "Yay!" I yelled.

Sara's P.O.V.

"Now we all have our Charmix!" I said excitedly. "We need to tell Mrs. Faragonda right now." Electra said. We nodded.

"Hey Mrs. F." I said. "Hello girls. What can I do for you?" She asked. "We came to tell you that we all got our Charmix." I replied. "That's wonderful. Now you are strong enough to face the witches, and not get very hurt." She said. "We will start your Charmix training tomorrow." "Okay bye Mrs. Faragonda." We said, walking out of her office.



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