Panic pt13

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The guys finished setting up the game and Eddie walked over to you and spoke "y/n I hate to break it to you but it's time to get up", you groaned a loud "uugghh" Eddie laughed and then said "sorry darl duty calls"

Darl thats new, it gave you butterflies you quickly got up off of the chair to hide the blush that came creeping up across your cheeks.

"Did I hear that correct?" Gareth said, "did anyone else hear what I just heard?" He asked the rest of the hellfire club, Dustin had a subtly shocked face "yeah I think I heard what you heard"Dustin spoke, Mike joined in "yeah guys I'm hearing the same as you" he said, "me too" Jeff said.

The commotion coming from the four boys caught yours and eddies attention

I definitely heard what all of you guys heard too that is what you were thinking but you were going to act casual about it.

"Okay okay guys what the hell is up?" Eddie slightly demanded, "yeah what's going on?" You asked, "uh-hum" dustin laughed, "are you guys like-.... are you guys a thing now orrr?" Mike asked, You and Eddie turned to look at each other in shock then you turned back to the four confused boys, "what makes you think that?" Eddie asked, "hmmm I don't know maybe because you called her darl, that's a little romantic for mr Munson" Dustin joked, "ha ha" Eddie said sarcastically, "you didn't answer the question are you guys a thing?" Jeff asked, you and Eddie looked at each other once again as if you were waiting for the other to speak first.

Then a very mischievous grin played upon Eddies lips, you scowled at him in confusion then he faced the boys and said, "yes we are a thing" going on

Without any hesitation you grabbed Eddies arm and took him out of the room blocking out the sounds of "oh my gods and what since when" from the four boys, with a single close of the door. "Eddie what the actual hell? What are you doing right now?" You said, you were extremely confused, Eddie just chuckled "m'sorry I'm only joking around"he said still slightly laughing, "but wouldn't it be fun if we joked around with them for longer?" Eddie said, the same mischievous grin plastered on his face, "and what exactly do you mean by that, do you mean pretend we're a couple for a long period of time as a joke?" You asked him still slightly confused where he was going with this, "that is exactly what I mean" he stated, "okay but what is the point? What are we trying to achieve here?" You asked the metal head, "I dunno maybe I want to annoy Jason in a way that doesn't involve my fist in his face vice-versa" he explained, "so your plan is to annoy Jason? Where is this coming from anyway" you asked, "it is coming from a special place in my heart that holds a lifelong grudge against Jason Carver" Eddie stated, putting his hand to his heart and smiling.

"Okay so I'm assuming you're going to tell the four boys in there that you were joking and explain this plan to them too" you said, "nope" Eddie said bluntly yet still with a smile, "and why not?" You asked, "it has to be believable, now c'mon let's get back in there the cult is waiting"

Before you could say anything Eddie had already gone into the room where his 'cult' awaited him. You caught up with him as he hadn't made his way close enough to the four boys yet and you moved yourself so you were now stood in front of Eddie and you whisper shouted "we are not done with this conversation" before sitting down and watching the boys play D&D

So many thoughts we're going through your head
Fake a relationship with eddie?
What the hell just happened?
Is he serious?
Where did this idea come from?
Do I go through with it?
I'll think about this later
Focus on the game
I don't get it
Hmmm interesting
Wow Eddie seems so different where is this confidence coming from

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