Panic pt 14

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The boys finished packing up and you all headed out of the school building.

You and Eddie trailed behind them "Eddie what the hell was that", you whisper yelled, "what? You beating lord Vecna?", he replied with a cheeky smirk, "you know what I mean, what are we going to do? They think we are a couple", you said, "what's so bad about that?"he replied acting clueless, "Eddieee" you groaned in annoyance "I'm serious please tell me you've thought this through" you explained, "well I could lie and say I have" Eddie said with a mischievous grin, "oh my god" you said loudly catching the attention of the hellfire club, they turned around, "lovers quarrel allready?" One of them said, you looked at Eddie "fix it" you quietly mumbled so the others wouldn't hear, you turned to the other members of the group "no" you said bluntly, they turned away and opened the doors walking out of the school.

"Your cute when you're mad" Eddie said looking down at you, "shut up" you replied, the darkness of the late afternoon managed to hide the blush on your cheeks, "I'm walking away from you now" you said speed walking into the car park, "y/n wait" Eddie chuckled, "there's no point getting a one minute break from me now when you're gonna be stuck in a car with me for a good 15 minutes", he shouted as you grew further away, "well one minute is perfectly fine for me" you shouted back, you could hear Eddie chuckle from behind you.

You stood by Eddies van and waited for him to catch up "come on slowcoach" you shouted, "hey you're the one who practically ran away from me" he said back growing closer, "yeah well.... I'm inpatient what can I say?" You replied.

He got to the van unlocking it and the both of you sat down, he started the engine and waved off the hellfire club before leaving the car park.

"Fake dating.... Really.... Really?" You started, "okay okay I'm sorry but we can't go back now" Eddie replied, "tell them we broke up" you said, "and the reason was?" Eddie asked you with raised eyebrows and a slight grin, "we are better as friends" you said proudly at your quick thinking, your proudness was quickly gone when "lame" Eddie said bluntly, "cmon Eddie we can't go through with this", "why not" he quickly said, you thought, ........ "well I can't think of any reasons right now", "exactly" Eddie interrupted, "but it's crazy" you carried on, "not really" Eddie replied "ugh I'm not gonna win this am I?" You complained, "nope" Eddie said, popping the p as he said it "great" you said.

You were now five minutes away from your house  and decided to say something. "Eddie I've come up with the best solution", you said, "and that is?" Eddie replied, "just tell them you were joking", you stated, "you see I would but I've left it too long now and Dustin is a chatterbox he will tell people and them people will tell other people and so on and by tomorrow people will know that we are dating", "first off we are not dating and second who is Dustin going to tell?" You questioned, "oh y'know Steve, that red head girl, Sinclair", "Steve as in Harrington?" You asked, "yes why?" Eddie replied, "no reason I just didn't expect dustin to be friends with him" you said, "weird right?" Eddie said with a chuckle, "almost as weird as me and you being a couple" he said to get under your nerves, "okay me and you are going to go home, ponder any solutions, or think upon this crazy idea kay?" You explained, "okay m'lady" Eddie replied.

"See you tomorrow" you waved to Eddie from your doorstep, "see ya, we're going to be the main topic of people's conversations I'm telling you" he laughed, you flipped him the bird which he returned before driving away.

Later that night before going to bed you thought about any excuses you could make or ways to get out of this but none came so instead you made a pros and cons list for fake dating Eddie.

memorable experience
would make Jason mad
Eddie is fun to be around and I can spend more time with him
Build our friendship
people will gossip
Jason might get too mad
would spend less time with Eddie

Uggghhhh you groaned out loud, you walked to your mirror and talked to your reflection "are we really going to do this? Possibly, is it a bad idea? Possibly, what is the point in it? I have no clue, yolo? Why the heck not"

You went to bed and thought about the pros and cons list and ended up making another in your head
I like spending time with Eddie, this will allow us more time together
Could possibly catch feelings?
(But would I really catch feelings and would he? )
Okay but what if I did, would he also catch feelings or would I have to try to overcome those feelings
If we caught feelings for each other maybe we could real date instead of fake date
(Do I like him?)

Uggghhhhh you let out another groan and then walked downstairs to the family computer to do some research.

How do I know if I like someone?
How do I know if I have a crush on someone?
You stumbled across a link that read

crush quiz/find out if your crushing on a person

When your not together do you wish you were with them?
Yes 'that's totally normal' you thought to yourself
Do you find yourself thinking about that person in your free time?
Yes 'I'm sure that's normal too' you thought again
Have you ever imagined yourself being in a relationship with that person?
Yes 'he put them thoughts in my head'
Have you ever thought about kissing them?
Yes 'oh my god' you thought to yourself
Do you always want to be near them?
Do you enjoy their company?
Can you ever stay mad at them?
Do you ever flirt with them?
Maybe 'most likely by accident or as a joke' you thought
Get your quiz results here *click*
You answered correctly to all questions this means that you have a crush on somebody!

You stared blankly at the computer screen "oh shit" you said out loud before turning off the computer and making your way to bed where you missed an hour of sleep due to overthinking everything.

Eddies pov
Why did I say that?, what have I done?, this is crazy? He thought to himself while he stared up at his ceiling
It's fine it's just a bit of fun, maybe we could pretend it was an ongoing joke that got out of hand, yes perfect! I'm nervous, why am I nervous? She makes me nervous I think I li- "nope" Eddie said out loud cutting off his thoughts that seemed to carry on as he tried to fall asleep.

Another chapter!! Finally I know it's been a while. I have got the fake dating idea from 'ghostproofbaby' on here, their story is called 'the shire is burning' and I recommend it, it is very good and very well written!

Panic- Eddie munson x reader Where stories live. Discover now