Panic pt 15

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Ring ring..... ring ring
"Uuuggghhhh" you groaned out loud in annoyance, you reached for your alarm clock and decided to rest your eyes for a little fell back to sleep.

Ring ring.......ring ring
"Oh my god shut up" you said reaching for your alarm clock once more only it wasn't your alarm clock at all it was the house phone. "Oh for god sakes", you said stumbling out of bed and down the stairs.

"Hello?" You said, "excuse me ma'am it appears you have slept in for school, you are now 45 minutes late" a familiar voice said, "Eddie what no I hav" you looked at the clock, "oh shit I'm late", you said panicked, "you certainly are but don't worry I also slept in I had a late night" Eddie stated, "yeah me here in fifteen",you said, "sure thing" Eddie replied before the phone cut off.

You rushed upstairs to begin getting ready, 10 minutes passed and there was a sudden thump, it appeared to have come from your moms bedroom, "mom are you home?" You said loudly, but no answer, you walked into your moms room and there was a book on the floor, you looked around and began to grow tense and then Ring,ring,ring, your mothers phone rang, you jumped out of your skin and then picked it up "hello?" You said, no answer, "hellooo??" You said again, the most hoarse deep voice whispered back "what's your favourite scary movie?", "oh my god this isn't funny fuck off" you said and then put the phone down.

You left your mothers bedroom and sped walked to yours but before even reaching your door....ring,ring,ring, again but this time the ringing came from downstairs, you sighed in slight fear then made your way down, you answered the phone, "hello y/n", the voice whispered once more raspy and deep, "okay who is this it's not funny stop being stupid I have watched scream before"you replied frustrated, "I am about to make you scream" the voice replied, "what the hell weirdo this isn't funny"you said angry and on edge, no answer, "hellooooooo are you there?" You asked, no answer.

Suddenly there was a grip on your shoulders, you screamed and turned around rapidly, "oh my god Eddie thank god some weirdo is ringing me and he knows my name" you said breathlessly, Eddie looked at you with a confused smirk then you put two and two together "oh my god it was you..oh my god you asshole!" You shouted at him, placing your hands on his torso and pushing him with such force he stumbled back but remained on two feet, he began laughing "HAHAHA you should've seen your face, I told you I'd make you scream", he said taunting you, "that wasn't fucking funny" you argued giving him a final slap on the arm, "why do you have so many phones in one house I mean the living room, kitchen, your moms room"Eddie said with a proud smile, "so that's how you did it, you switched from phone to phone huh?....wait how'd you get my moms phone number? I only gave you the home number" You asked extremely curious "the fridge", he replied, you looked over at the fridge and sure enough there was a yellow post it note with the house and your moms number on, "huh" you said, "I'm honestly impressed, I didn't even recognise your voice", you stated, "what this voice?" Eddie replied in the same scary deep, hoarse voice as before, "okay stop that I think you have genuinely traumatised me for life", you said as you both laughed.

The laughing died out and you and Eddie just stared into each others eyes in silence, there was a moment you thought something was going to happen, "well, best get off to school" Eddie said snapping out of the so called moment between you two.

The drive to school was ordinary like the others before, Eddie had Metallica playing through the radio and you looked out of the open window beside you.

You got to school and immediately were sent to the principals office, "why are the two of you this late?" The principal said sternly, you and Eddie looked at each other waiting for one of you to say something, you rolled your eyes and looked to the principal "well... funny story actually, this one had a flat tire" you said pointing with your thumb at Eddie, "and neither of us knew how to change it and nobody would help us so we had to try and figure it out on our own", you explained, the principal stared at you both, as if he was trying to catch you in the lie, "well then, I guess I'll have to take your word for it, get to class your an hour late already"

You scurried out of the principals office and Eddie looked at you in awe "oh my god that was the best excuse ever how did you think of that so fast" he exclaimed, "I honestly have not the slightest idea myself, I'm actually proud" you stated triumphantly, "yeah me too" Eddie smiled, "what class have you got?" You asked, "biology" he replied, "ugh I have Chem" you said bored of the lesson already, "they both suck balls" Eddie stated, "I agree" you replied.

You parted ways and as soon as you walked into your class, everyone looked at you, which I guess is normal since you're this late and basically a distraction but then you noticed people turning to their friends and a few people whisper and smirk, you scowled in confusion before sitting at your desk.

It was now a free period and you waited outside Eddies class for him.

"Oh hello there y/n" he said with a smirk, you smiled back and then started, "is it just me or are people being extra weird today, like I walked into Chem and everyone was looking and smirking and whispering", you asked, "hmm I dunno I get that almost everyday but now that you mention it there is a lot of people looking at us right now" Eddie replied looking at the people in the halls, you did the same, you turned to him again "what the hell is going on? Is there something on my face? Is it my clothes? Is my hair looking funny?" Before you could get an answer you bumped into someone which caused her to drop her music case on the floor and a few papers, "oh my god I'm so sorry", "sorry" you both said at the same time as you picked up the papers, Eddie leaned against a locker.

"I really am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" you said to the girl sincerely, she looked at you, "oh no worries it's totally fine... your y/n right?" She asked, "yes I am and you?", you asked politely with a smile, "I'm Robin, also before we crashed into each other I heard a snippet of your conversation and don't worry there's nothing wrong with your hair or clothes and there's nothing on your face", she explained kindly, "oh thanks for telling me, wait d'you know why people are staring at me and Eddie like a lot more than the usual glance" you asked, "yeah uhm you two are kinda like the hot goss right now because correct me if I'm wrong but, well because your dating", you and Eddie looked at each other, he had a smirk plastered on his face "wait who told you that?" You asked Robin, "Harrington" she replied, "ex king of Hawkins high" Eddie stated, with a chuckle, "y-yeah I guess so" Robin said, "and I'm guessing he got that information off of Henderson?" You asked the girl politely, "yeah wait you know dustin?" She said shocked, "yeah I guess you could say that" you replied, "I predicted it" Eddie stated.

"It was a joke that got out of hand, WE ARE NOT DATING" Eddie said, making sure people heard his last four words loud and clear, "oh okay I'll make sure to inform the people who missed your loud voice" Robin stated, you giggled "thank you" you said smiling, "no problem... see you around I guess" she replied before walking away.

"Wow you actually found an excuse, well done, although you seemed pretty eager to fulfil the plan", you said to Eddie, " yeah well the last thing I want is people labelling you a freak for 'dating' me and plus where was that plan going to get us anyways" Eddie replied with a sad smile, "well I know how much of an amazing person you truly are so if we were ever dating and I got labelled a freak for it then so be it, as for your last point yeah I have to agree there although the plan did begin to grow on me a little for whatever reason I don't know" you explained, Eddie smiled a genuine smile, "aww your great" he said ruffling your hair.

I haven't wrote in a while I know and I'm sorry but oh my goodness 2k+ reads!!!  That is insane I am truly thankful. I know same old same old 'I will try and write more often' I guess I haven't been sticking to my word so from now on there may be some long breaks or some short breaks between when I come out with new chapters but for now I hope you enjoy this one <3

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