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'man, it's been a while since i've held this' you thought while holding your oh so beloved phone in your hand

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'man, it's been a while since i've held this' you thought while holding your oh so beloved phone in your hand

you turned your screen and stared at the picture of you and your brother when you were younger

"been a while since i've talked to him" you sigh "matter fact i wonder how mom and dad are, mom will definitly kill me for being out for so long"

you had texted your mom last night about having gotten your phone back, but since it was late at night, of course she hadn't answered

you were debating on whether or not you were going to call her now

it was 6 in the morning and you doubt she'd answer, but you were still going to try

before you could press call, someone had called you first

incoming call from, ma.

you sweat dropped while staring at your phone

why was she up so early

normally she wouldn't wake up till noon cause of her night shift

with hesitance, you answered

"hey m-"

"(y/n) (m/n) (l/n) as-tu une idée de combien de fois nous avons essayé de te rejoindre!?" your mom shout through the phone in french "chaque fois que nous t'appelons en espérant que tu avais récupéré ton téléphone, un homme louche sans manières réponder à ta place!"

"you have no idea how worried we had been for you ever since we heard about this blue lock project on the news" she sigh calming down "Genji has been feeling so guilty about encouraging you to go there"

laughing at her words, you smiled. Genji could be so worrisome sometimes, but you always appreciated it

"sorry for the worry, mom" you chuckled nervously "it was kind of sudden and i couldn't text you to say anything"

"either way, how's Genji feeling" you asked and she asked you to wait for a bit

you did as told and waited. from what you were hearing, she was running down something "hey mom careful"

"hey guys! guess who's on the phone" you heard your mom shout through the phone

"huh" two familiar voices resounded in the background

"it's (y/n)!" your mother smiled cheerfully

both men dropped whatever they were holding and seemingly rushed towards your mother from what you could hear

"(y/n)!" they both screamed snatching the phone from your mothers hand

"are you alright!?" Genji

"are they treating you good!?" Dad

"have you made friends!?" Genji

"did you get a boyfriend!?" Dad

"you aren't getting bullied right!?" Genji

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