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"hm?" you looked up at the male tiredly

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"hm?" you looked up at the male tiredly

he walked up to you and continued whatever he wanted to say "join me for this 3 man team stage"

staring at him, you pondered for a bit before responding

"nah, i'm good" you closed your eyes

"listen, i couldn't care less if you passed the first stage before me or not. i'm not asking you to join me because i think your good or anything, i just want to pass this stage fast and get it over with" he declared harshly

"again no" you responded simply "you seem like a guy who only plays for himself which usually would be good because you know, this is blue lock, but i just don't like your character. you look like the type to look down on others based on first impressions"

"like even i won't lie, i can act like that from time to time. i've been told i'm very selfish when i play and that i don't consider others feelings" you smiled to the male "it's okay when i do it, but i don't like when it's done to me"

'hypocrite' the male thought

"shut up and come here" he sigh while pushing his hair out of his eye "you're annoying and you're wasting my time

"sorry donkey lashes" you smiled slyly "guess you'll have to wait for someone else to get here cause i ain't joining y'a"

right as he was going to give you a retort for your insult, the door opened, revealing a tall long haired male

barely a few seconds later another door opened revealing a shy looking boy

"and there's your team" you pointed to the two in a mocking tone

the male who's name you still hadn't learned scoffed at you before taking off towards the duo and basically forcing them to join him

as they left the room, the guy with long lashes didn't forget to turn to you and give you a glare while you simply yawned at his attempt to frighten you

they had officially left the room and you could finally go back to sleep

for this selection, you were planing on teaming up with completely new people

yeah you could've teamed up with this guy, but you two clearly didn't hit it off well at first 'hopefully the next ones to come in won't be as moody as this one'

as you were about to fall asleep, your eyes diverted to the TV that was on top of the door the three men had walked into

an icon of the trio had showed up with their names written under them

"itoshi rin" it came out as a mumble before you went back to sleep

"hey, (y/n)!" the familliar voice of isagi came to your ears

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