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"Shidou, you're starting on the bench this time" you pointed to the bench while facing the male

"huh!? why should I?" the male bent down looking up at you with an attempted intimidating face

"cause you're the only one who hasn't benched so far" Rin crossed his arms

"whatever, but I'm still gonna play later" he grumbled, stomping to the bench

"yeah yeah, whatever you say" you waved him off

"Team C will be starting with the ball" the announcer announced

Nagi passed the ball to Reo signaling the start of the game as he and Nagi began doing one-two passes making it past you

you looked back uninterested at the scene

you had seen one-two passes so frequently you had grown tired of it despite also using it from time to time

Aryu attempted to block Reo's passage to Nagi but failed as Reo switched from a direct pass to a curved pass right in front of the goal for his teammate

"nice try" your teammate Ishikari jumped up and blocked the pass with his head

the ball went straight to Rin's feet as he dashed in the opposite direction with you running a bit ahead of him

"pass" you simply said not looking back at your teammate

not hearing a reply, an irritated expression replaced your apathetic expression

"use me instead, I'm known as the useful monk!" shouted igaguri, running by Rin's side

Rin passed the ball to the monk as some random in the other team tried to block it

'so he'll pass the ball to him but not me' you felt offended at the action

Reo placed himself in front of igaguri, blocking his shot to the goal as he could only rely on passing the ball now

'Rin or Y/N!? which one will assure my path to success!?' sweat dripped down the monk's face as he was deep in thought

as if the entire field had gone quiet, he froze as he made eye contact with your cold E/C eyes

the intensity in those eyes caused the male to panic and send a high pass instead of direct one

"that won't do" you sigh as you faced the tall male floating above you

"that's about as far as you go" gagamaru hit the ball straight to Yukimiya

"your turn no.5"

Yukimiya was faced with Rin who carefully analyzed the brunette's movements

the male went into scissors motion as Rin followed with his movement

"hey watch out his specialty is-" Yukimiya dragged his movement on, startling the raven-haired male as he dashed past him

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now