II. Ex-Crush

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It's the night of the engagement party. Y/N's aunt puts on the final touch of make-up on her face. She grins excitedly. She couldn't wait to see how she'll look in the mirror.

"Excited for the party dear?" Hear aunt asks grinning proudly at her niece.

"I guess so. It's been 4 years since we all saw each other in highschool. I'm also looking forward to seeing Ren's future husband anyway."

"Heard he was really handsome and he's also a gentleman."

"He's also smart and a little bit weird."

"But Ren chose her so we know that lad's a decent fellow."

"I'm just surprised Ren's getting married at 20."

"So did your parents. It's normal for people to get married at that age Y/N."

"But don't you think that's too young?"

"No dear. It just means Ren's going to have to face the remaining years of her life. With someone like his fiancee by her side." Her aunt answer, nostalgia in her eyes.

"You must be really lucky to be married to Uncle Tommy
then." Her aunt smiles brightly.

Even if she's already 30 years old. Her expression looks like one of a teenage girl experiencing her first love. Something Y/N's really familiar to.

"I am blessed because of him dear." Y/N thanks her aunt as she steps away. Carefully standing to avoid creasing her new dress. She checks herself out in the mirror. Getting shocked as she sees her new look. She slowly twirls her dress, silently focused on observing her new face.

"I look beautiful...." Y/N mutters, happy to look better than her expectation.

"You always are. You just never wanted to show it dear." Her aunt embraces Y/N while she stays still pondering her look in front of the mirror. She smiles happily, truly amazed at her transformation.

(P. S that's not the appearance of the character. That's just the dress she wore.)

"Now let's get you going

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"Now let's get you going. Your uncle's been waiting downstairs for an hour."

"Oh yeah we forgot about that."

They both giggle. Packing up the remaining clothes and make-up. Y/N slowly walks wobbling, not used to wearing heels.

She carefully steps down the stairs grabbing tightly onto the handrail. As they rush on her uncle's car feeling a bit guilty for making him wait for an hour.

"I would like to scold you girls for making me wait. But seeing how amazing Y/N look, it made me forget how angry I was with you people!" Her uncle jokingly says at them. Earning him a soft slap at his shoulder.

"Well I told you to wait at 4:00 didn't I? But you decided to wait at 3!"

"I thought Y/N's only going to wear her normal outfit for today Darling! Never knew she actually decided to dress fancy!" They laugh as Y/N still feels a little bit self-conscious at his guardians compliment at her.

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