VI. Panic Attack

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"C-Christian... W-What are you doing here?!"

Y/N breathes heavily terrified and embarrassed, not wanting to deal with another person in the moment and  looking pathetic. She tries her best to smile but it comes out awkwardly as she forces herself to look okay.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I didn't know anyone was h-here." Y/N clears her throat, choking on her words while tears uncontrollably falls from her eyes hoping that Christian would just ignore them.

"I'm sorry about what happened there." Christian softly whispers but Y/N hears it. Biting her lip to stop feeling more sorry for herself.

"D-Don't... W-Worry..." Y/N tries to say, struggling as she feels her head aching and her heart beating rapidly.

"I-I..." Y/N quickly clutches her chest feeling nauseous and taking deep fast breaths, her legs tensing she suddenly starts feeling feverish. In front of him Christian quickly rushes worriedly towards her.

"Y/N! Y/N! Tell me what's wrong?!" Christian asks concerned but unsure how he'll help her.

Y/N trying to calm herself slowly points at the nearest bench outside the balcony. She trembles trying to push away every bad thought from arising and making her more nervous she tightly grabs Christian's hand for comfort and he allows him. Gently guiding her towards the bench.

Feeling her hands become numb she becomes more nervous, her inhales becoming rapidly fast and tears falling from her eyes. Christian realizes Y/N's having a panic attack right now.

"Y/N... Y/N..." Christian softly says trying to call out her attention. She looks at him still breathing rapidly.

"Y/N listen to me." Christian says and Y/N nods, becoming desperate.

"I can't breathe Christian..." She mutters weakly, feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

"Y/N It's okay. You're going to be okay." Christian looks at her eyes straightly. Putting his hands on one of her damp cheeks to try and distract her.

"But I need you to trust me. To listen to me. Can you do that?" Christian asks and Y/N nods.

"I need you to calm your breathing first okay?" Y/N nods, trying to slow her breath intake but failing as she becomes more nervous again. Seeing this Christian calls out to Y/N again.

"Y/N. Look at me."

"Christian I can't move my hands." Y/N says and Christian touches her hand, feeling that it's stony cold.

"Y/N listen to me. I need you to follow me." Y/N nods again.

"I need you to calm your breathing. Can you slowly try and inhale?" Y/N swallows trying to follow Christian's advice, she slowly inhales.

"Now exhale for 3 seconds." He instructs and she follows.

"Slowly inhale again for 3 seconds." Christian inhales urging Y/N to follow and she does.

"And slowly exhale again for 3 seconds." They do this a minute and Y/N feels her dizziness slowly banish.

"Now I need you to move your hand." Y/N Nods.

"Can you slowly close both your fists?" Christian asks while Y/N takes deep and slow breaths.

"I-I'll try." Y/N answers and she tries to move her fingers despite it hurting.

"Good." Christian smiles.

"Can you close it?" He asks and she follows. Getting relieved when she feels the numbness of her hand slowly dissipate.

Christian continues guiding her breathing trying his best to relax her. After a couple of minutes. Y/N feels her breathing come back to normal. Her headache and nausea leaving her as she follows Christian's instruction.

"You okay now?" Christian asks. Gently caressing her back to comfort her.

"Y-yeah. Thanks to you." She says as she slowly drinks the bottle of water Christian handed her.

"You sure I don't need to call for help or anything?" Christian asks readying to whip out his phone but Y/N stops her.

"No I'm feeling okay now.''
Y/N smiles at him hesitantly touching Christian's hand but she get's surprised when he tightly grasps her hand.

Y/N eyes widen at Christian but he only comfortingly smiles at her. She blushes at him while he runs his thumb on her knuckles trying to ease her.

"How are you feeling?" Christian asks.

"I'm feeling calm I guess." She unconsciously squeezes Christian's hand. Indicating her uncomfort about the topic of her feelings. Christian senses and he decides not to push it any further.

"Want to dance?" Christian asks instead.

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