VIII. Together.

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"Where did they Y/N and Harley go?! It's been two hours since the dance!"

"You don't think they went somewhere and did something eh?" Delia smirks mischievously but Rosa sighs.

"Don't get any weird ideas. You know Y/N's not the type to do stuff like that. It's just concerning that they haven't been back already." Rosa worries calling on Y/N again but not getting any answer.

"Harley's here tho." Delia says. Rosa looks at the back entrance of the ballroom and gets shocked to see Harley with another woman. She also gets surprised at seeing the swollen condition of his face and the messy state of his appearance. The woman beside him appears to be consoling him but he pushes her away.

"What happened to Harley and where's Y/N?!" Delia starts to get worried and Rosa clicks her tongue.

"Finally you're concerned." They approach Ren who speaks with some of the guests.

"Hello guys what's the matter?" Ren asks whispering, seeing the worry etched on their faces.

"It's Y/N she's missing. I can't contact her and Harley's not with her." Ren doesn't want to leave the guests but she's very worried about Y/N. They know that she doesn't really go far and very long away from parties and if she decides to leave she'll tell them first or ask someone to tell them. They don't notice Mason and Ngolo joining their group.

"Sorry to interrupt but have you guys seen Christian?" Mason asks them tiredly and even Ngolo looks a bit weary.

"No and we're also looking for our friend Y/N." Rosa says.

"Are you talking about the girl with the green dress?" One of the guests asks surprising them.

"Have you seen her?" Ren asks and the guest uncomfortably looks away.

"Well I saw her upstairs and I think she's with Christian Pulisic." Her answer raises questioning looks from the group but they quickly get interrupted by the announcement.

"Get ready again for the second and last dance and get ready to pair up with your partner!" Ren's mom excitedly announces.

"I guess Y/N's okay then but I never expected her to be with Pulisic." Ren says.

"Me neither I thought she was with Harley though? Do you think something happened?" Delia asks looking at Harley who ignores the pleading woman beside her while he sits beside the water dispenser looking distraught. The guests start to scatter and find their pairs for the dance but Y/N's friends and Mason and Ngolo stay together.

"Well I need to find Christian. The plane will leave early tomorrow and we don't want to get to the hotel late." Mason says.

"Won't you participate in the dance?" Delia asks but Mason shakes his head.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not sure."

"What about you Ngolo? Will you stay for the second dance?" Rosa asks the silent man but he only shyly smiles.

"If Mason and Christian stay then I'll stay too."

Delia eyes widen as she gapes in shock.

"What? What are you gaping about?" Rosa asks but Delia slowly grins excitedly pointing at the back entrance of the ballroom. Rosa and the footballers look too and they also get shocked.

"So they really are together." Delia says as they look at Christian and Y/N looking happy together and holding hands. Y/N spots her friends waving at them. They approach the group and Mason looks at Christian impressed and also intrigued.

"Sooooooo....... What's happening?" Delia knowingly grins at them but Rosa questioningly looks at them.

Y/N not wanting to talk about the harrowing experience doesn't tell her friends about what happened with Harley but she just shrugs at them.

"We decided to be dance partners for the night. And since the waltz gotta start I think you guys should find your partners too."

Mason silently mouth's
" Why? " to Christian but he smiles and just winks at him making Mason laugh. Ngolo seems to be quiet but he too chuckles for his friend.

"So shall we all go?" Y/N asks impatiently.

"But what about Harley? Isn't he your partner?" Rosa asks as he notices Harley desperately stare at Y/N.

"Oh a friend of his visited earlier and they needed some catching up to do."

Rosa and Delia exchange subtle knowing looks but they don't push the subject further knowing that the footballers are with them. Christian lightly brushes his thumbs across Y/N's knuckle to calm her as he feels her tense up from the mention of Harley.

"The dance will be starting in a minute now so get all in formation." Ren's mom dictates impatiently looking at their group and Rosa and Delia just pair with Mason and Ngolo as they go to the center of the ballroom. Harley joins too and is paired by Riley and he tries to get close to Y/N and Christian but stops as he sees Christian shake his head at him.

"And now we start the dance!"

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