VII. The Waltz.

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"Want to dance?" Christian asks offering his hands gingerly.

"Dance? Right here? Right now?" Y/N asks confused, looking around for anyone else who might be in the room with them.

"Yeah. Would you like to? We don't have to if you don't want to." Christian says putting his hand down but
Y/N stands.

"Well... Why not. There's no music but the scenery is nice and the night breeze is just perfect. It's the perfect place to dance. " Y/N looks at the night sky silently thanking God for the blessed moment.

Christian gladly smiles gently grabbing onto Y/N's hand.

"Shall we?"

Y/N nods and Christian gestures if he's allowed to touch Y/N waist and she says yes shyly. Both take their position as Christian starts to take the lead.

"So should we do a simple waltz?" He asks.

"Whatever fits you." Y/N says.

"Okay then follow my lead. "

Christian starts to slowly move forward and Y/N nervously moves back making her trip a little but Christian steadies her.

"Woah. You good?"

"Yeah just nervous. It's been a while since I did this." Y/N blushes embarrassed.

"It's okay. To be honest I was kind of nervous too since I never waltz at events like this." Christian reassures.

"Really? You looked like you knew what you were doing though."

"It only looked liked." Christian corrects.

"But I am also moving based on how I saw others do it."

Both of them laugh but they take their positions again.

"Okay let's do this again." Christian grabs onto Y/N's hand firmly and he counts to three for both of them to get in sync.

They succeed as Y/N and Christian waltz flawlessly in the empty spacious room.

They graciously dance with only the sounds of their shoes and movements filling the room. They effortlessly glide but they move slowly just deeply feeling the surreal moment. Y/N dancing with a well-known football player who doesn't seem to be caring about his popularity and Christian dancing with someone in peace. Without being watched and bombarded by cameras and reporters.

They remain silent and thankful at each other's presence. But they don't look at each other's eyes. Both remain respectful even though Y/N desperately wants to gaze at Christian with gratitude. Christian also wants to gaze at Y/N not because he's in love but because he wants to meaningfully share something with her without appearing like strangers but someone who bonded over something simple but special. Y/N sighs taking a risk and smiling awkwardly at Christian who looks back at her.

"Sooo..." Y/N says trying to think of something to ask to have an excuse at looking at Christian.

"Yeah..." Christian waits but
Y/N shyly laughs.

"Umm..." Y/N says becoming embarrassed not knowing what to say. She starts to look away from him but Christian stops her.

"You don't have to say anything. If you want to look at me just look." Christian says shocking Y/N. But she doesn't want to make things more awkward so she smiles at him apologetically and this time gazes at him tenderly.

"Thank you for being so sweet and being here with me now. I really needed this and it's kind of embarrassing that in our first meeting you would do this for me. A stranger at that. But you still did and that is something I just want to thank you with. " Y/N says making Christian smile.

"It's not my business about what had transpired about you guys earlier. But I just saw and heard what happened and I know I just can't abandon I mean ignore you like that." Christian says earning him a soft look from Y/N.

"But thank you still. You're a celebrity and you still took your time to do this for me. "

"That doesn't make me any less human like you. I don't mean to say that you needed me but I just want to be there for you." Y/N stops surprising Christian.

"I am beyond grateful to have met someone like you Christian. You're a great help to me. In one of my struggle I'm thankful that God sent you to me." Y/N slowly raises Christian's hand in front of her face before looking down on him because she's a bit taller than him and Christian lets her.

"I know that what I'm about to do is not normal and not womanly like but you're a good guy." Christian eyes widen as he sees Y/N slowly move her lips closer to his hand and softly kissing it. She lets go but get's surprised when Christian grabs her hand back.

"Nobody's ever did that to me and I think I ought to show you how I feel too." He smiles sincerely at Y/N, slowly bringing his lips to Y/N's hand and kissing it too. Y/N get taken aback.

"You're a really special woman Y/N" Christian doesn't let go and both laugh childishly briefly forgetting the party downstairs and just being in each other's presence under the peaceful scenic night.

Sorry For The Late Update. But I want to just say thank you to those who take time to read this story.

Audio - (The waltz in the green forest-daystar)

Thank You Again And God Bless You💓.

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