This Is For Him

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Dabi's heart thumped. He dragged Katsuki along the ground and pulled him toward the closet in the kitchen, close to the hall. He had tied Katsuki's limbs tightly before moving him, knowing the fire kindling in his eyes would burst. As he had calculated, Katsuki began cursing at him to leave him alone—not fighting, though, but verbally abusing him. Dabi paid him zero mind, was already used to people yelling at him from childhood and chose to complete his job. Tomura told him to do this, and with the smile he saw on his face, Dabi wanted to make him happy. If he could do this and get him to smile, that would make his day.

He found himself blushing as he emptied the closet of cleaning products and Izuku's gear. Katsuki yelled at him, demanding he let him go—Izuku too. That made him stutter. "You know Izuku wants to stay with Tomura." Dabi said, manoeuvring Katsuki's arms behind his back and tying his legs to his thighs.

Katsuki grumbled, rolling his eyes with a tsk.

"You're not going to say anything?" He inquired, kneeling in front of the closet with a raised eyebrow.

The kid only glared harder.

"Fine," Dabi held his hands up, "be mad-"

Katsuki snapped with a snarl. In this uncomfortable position, his shins were on the tile flooring. His knees were bent so that his thighs were on top of his shins, immobilising his legs. His arms were connected, holding their respective elbows. "I'm going to fucking starve, so fucking-no shit I'm pissed!"

"You could just run away," he sang, rhythmically tapping his lap. Katsuki glowered at him. Dabi hit him where it hurt. He knew he could never leave—not yet, at least, not without Izuku. Just the way he reacted to the littlest of things about Izuku, he knew they had a close relationship. "Although, you'd leave Izuku here, as he'd never want to leave his Master,"

"Master? Are you fucking kidding me?" Katsuki's face twitched. "Why do you guys fucking treat him like that? It's been what? It's been six years since I've seen him, and he's been brainwashed to act like this because of you two?! He was nine when he was kidnapped! Nine!" He screamed, jerking his body about.

Dabi gritted his teeth. As much as he wanted to make Tomura happy, he still found it hard to justify Izuku's treatment. It grossed him out that Tomura has sex with a minor—he could only assume he had sex with Izuku when he was nine years old. "I don't know," he stuttered, keeping Katsuki silent. "Izuku's Tomura's pet; I only met or heard of him a couple months ago."

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you haven't gotten Izuku to safety yet, despite knowing Izuku's situation is insane."

He sighed. "I don't know about that." With another gaspy breath, he stood, grasping the closet door. He saw the slight panic in Katsuki's eyes. Sorry, kid, he thought, this is what Tomura wants.

"Fine! Tomura-whoever the fuck he thinks he is, is bat-shit crazy-"

Dabi saw red. He shot his arm at his neck, grasping like a pole. He was practically on top of him, leaning in and supporting his weight on the student. "Say that again, I fucking dare you," he growled, blue wisps of fire peaking out of his cheeks. "I dare you," he said, squeezing Katsuki's neck and relishing the look of genuine desperation on his face.

A gurgle left his throat.

"Hm?" Dabi hummed, thrusting his face close to Katsuki's cheek. "What's that? An apology? I sure hope so, as I don't want to hear you say anything rude about Tomura." He shook him. "If you do it again, I'll kill you, regardless if Tomura wants you to starve; I just want you to see my face in your final moments." With a sadistic gleam, Dabi drove Katsuki's neck to the wall, pressing tighter into the drywall. Katsuki's eyes evolved into red vines with blotches of white. With no arm or leg mobility, he fully relied on Dabi's decision whether he wanted him to die or not. He squirmed hastily and grunted choppily, his eyes rolling backward. Then Dabi let go of Katsuki's hand, sending him to the ground in a heap with no anchor.

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