The name and cover photo say it all 🤩
Gonna add g!p in this I hope you guys don't mind it
So I read a couple of g!p oneshots and I kinda like them a lot so I'm gonna try it with this one shot I have 😁
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Side character:
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(Currently editing these chapters)
Third pov
Enter the kang couple bae joohyun and Kang Seulgi they've been together since middle school and ever since then they've been inseparable. Seulgi asking joohyun out in the junior year of high school and joohyun shyly saying yes to her that made them even more inseparable now their are both in their third year of college.
Currently seulgi was going to see her dear baechu she went to her hometown for three weeks and missed her baby. She arrives at her door and knocks on the door soon the door opens revealing a shirtless guy seulgi eyebrow twitches signaling she was getting angry.
Who the fuck is this?!
"Do I have the wrong house?" Seulgi mutters the guy chuckles "your here for noona?" He asks and seulgi nods "who are you?" She asks "ah I'm Rowoon rene's best friend" he says with a smile letting seulgi in and she walks in she was slowly getting angry.
Why didn't she know this rowoon? "Bae joohyun!" Seulgi called and soon they heard footsteps running towards them once in front joohyun smiles at seulgi "bear!" She squeals and hugs seulgi but seulgi doesn't hug back joohyun pulls away with a pout.
"Yah I don't see you for three weeks and I don't get a hug? I missed my bear~" she said cutely and seulgi can't deny that was really cute but she was currently annoyed.
"Yeah well I come back to my girlfriend's house to a shirtless dude I don't know! How the heck do you think that makes me feel?" Seulgi says surprising joohyun who frowns "I'm sorry bear it was a last minute thing rowoon is actually my childhood friend and he came back from America to visit me so I let him stay since he doesn't have anywhere to go" joohyun said looking apologetic.
Seulgi sighs "fine but I'm staying here because I missed three weeks of cuddling and kisses from my kitten" seulgi says grabbing joohyun's waist and pulling her in for a kiss joohyuns squeaks in surprise but melts in the kiss kissing back.
They pulled away and joohyun giggled "okay how about you meet rowoon fully bear!" She says cheerfully and seulgi groans quietly but complies "okay.." she says
They then walk to rowoon who was just standing there and joohyun smiles "woonie!" Joohyun called out seulgi not missing the blush that went on his face after she called him that. She lowly growled going unnoticed by them both.
"Yes hyunie?" He says smiling seulgi's frown deepens not liking this guy at all.
"I want you to meet my bear! This is my dear girlfriend seulgi and seulgi this is my childhood friend rowoon!" Joohyun introduces they both stare at each other not saying anything seulgi being she doesn't like this guy and his reasoning being unknown but it was the same reason as seulgi really...
"Yeah nice to meet you" seulgi says after joohyun nudged her he smiles at her "you as well seubi" he says and seulgi scowls "it's seulgi" she growls grabbing joohyun's hand and dragging her to her room "b-bear slow d-down!" Joohyun said and seulgi didn't listen once they got to their shared room she closed the door pinning joohyun on the wall.
"s-seulgi" she whimpers and seulgi growls "I don't like him one bit joohyun! Your mine and I don't like that he's here! I don't like how he blushes around you, I don't like how he looks at you and I just don't like him!" Seulgi says angry surprising joohyun "b-but seul he's only my friend! I don't think of him that way I only love you bear I only want you" joohyun says staring at seulgi with her cat like eyes.
"I know baby I trust you but I don't trust him if he so much as touches you I'm gonna break his arms" seulgi growls making joohyun blush "t-that was so hot s-seul" she stutters with a blush seulgi chuckles "oh? You like me when I growl baby?" She asked and joohyun nods eagerly she was horny and not seeing her bear for three weeks was torture.
"Well then how about we have a little round?" Seulgi says making joohyun giggle and nod palming seulgi through her pants.
After that they fixed themselves and went into the living room where they saw rowoon on his phone he looks up once he hear footsteps and smiles "hyunie!~" he says smiling widely joohyun giggles "hi rowoon, whatcha doing?" She asks and walks over sitting down next to him he smiles and cuddles her side.
Seulgi did not like this one bit but she trusted joohyun so she put her anger aside and sat down next to them "by the way rowoon I'm here to thanks for noticing" she said with a fake smile then went on her phone not waiting to hear a response.
"Oh hey seulbi!" He greets seulgi groans "seulgi for fucks sake!" She said and went back on her phone texting her friend soyeon.
An hour later seulgi looks up from her phone seeing rowoon with his hand on joohyun's thigh while she's on her phone she gets up with a growl "that's it! Rowoon I want you out and if I have to drag you out of here myself I will! I'm tired of it and you! Joohyun belongs to me! Not you!" She growls and glared at him.
"Bear!" Joohyun says but immediately closes her mouth seeing seulgi's angry face "yah! This isn't even your house you have no say to kick me out!" He yelled standing up seulgi smirks "oh? But I can though, as I said she is mine" she growl he scoffs "I'm not going anywhere this isn't your house seubi" he said and seulgi clenches her fist.
"Kitten" seulgi says and joohyun flinched "y-yes bear" she said she knew when seulgi was upset there was no telling what she would do so all you do is obey which she always did.
"Come and stand behind me please but before you do tell this bastard that I do have a say in who stays in here and who leaves" seulgi says calmly joohyun obeys and stands up going to seulgi's side "s-shes right rowoon we basically live together and we're dating so she does have a say and I think you should go to you know seulgi and I are dating yet you keep being touchy" joohyun says frowning.
"Really joohyun?! I've been your friends since kids! Your just gonna kick me out like that?!" Rowoon yells and seulgi scoffs "yeah you definitely have to go because not only did you make several moves on my woman you also fucking manipulated her so fucking leave already!" Seulgi yelled angry he glares "no!" He yelled back and that's all it took for seulgi to lose it...
She ran up to him and punch him in the face and the stomach making him drop to his knees groaning in pain seulgi then grabbed his hair and made him look at her he screamed in pain "now next time you think about touching what's mine you'll get more than just punches! You hear me?!" She growled and he nodded frantically then she let him go he groaned in pain and got up running out the house.
Seulgi scoffed "what a pussy" she said with a deep frown on her beautiful face joohyun's words not mine-
Joohyun ran up to seulgi embracing her in a hug seulgi's eyes widen but she hugged back with a smile "I'm sorry I didn't kick him out sooner bear I-I just wasn't thinking and he's my childhood friend so I just let him in without thinking" joohyun rambled with a pout seulgi pecked her lips repeatedly "it's okay baby I understand just let me know next time, yeah?" She said joohyun nodded with a smile
"I love you so much kitten" seulgi says causing joohyun to blush and smile shyly "I-I love you more my teddy bear" she said and they both smile at each other happy to just be in each other's arms.