Chapter 20

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Ash: Don't worry about it.

Aether: Why not?

Ash: It's just my grandma being stupid.

Aether: Okay then.

Aether goes back to reading and he glances at Ash.

Ash: If you want to tell me something, go ahead.

Aether: What was that test you were talking about with the student council?

Ash: Ah that.

Ash sits up and he sighs.

Ash: A girl caused trouble in the school and when confronted she threatened to tell her parents but that isn't allowed because this school is "special" or whatever.

Aether: Oh.

Ash: The test was to see if she paid attention in class and if she failed then she will get a more harder punishment.

Aether: Like what?

Ash: Suspension or something to that scale.

Aether: Oh okay

There was a knock on the door and Ash gets up to open the door.

Ash: Hm?

Diluc: Dinners ready.

Ash: Okay.

Diluc leaves and Aether walks to Ash.

Aether: You calm enough to eat?

Ash: Oh haha.

Ash smiles at Aether and they walk to the dining table where the others are at.

Childe: So how was y'all.

Kaeya: My classes were boring.

Dulic: If you paid attention to classes then you won't be bored

Kaeya: Oh-

Ash: Enough.

Aether looks at Ash with stars in his eyes.

Zhongli: I had Xingqiu make a list of the books that girl burned.

Ash: When he finishes the list, give it to me so I can give it to the office.

Zhongli: Of course.

Aether: Ash?

Ash: What is it, Aether?

Aether: Well...there's a girl..who kinda threaten me...

Ash: Oh?

Ash: What did she say?

Aether: She said to stay away from Diluc.

Ash sighs and he cups Aether's cheeks. Aether notices that Ash isn't too pleased with what he just said.

Ash: I want you to stay away from her.

Aether: Well someone helped me.

Childe: Yea, Dottore.

Diluc: That girl doesn't know when to quit.

Ash: Well since she threatened you, you have to wait with the teachers until one of us gets you.

Zhongli: Or someone we trust at least.

Aether: (I feel like they are blowing this out of proportion. 😅)

Ash: Childe, what do you mean Dottore?

Childe: Aether met Dottore.

Ash: Oh?

Aether: Yea he helped me with that girl.

Ash: Hm...


Ash has trust issues so the only person that Ash fully trusts is Aether. Aether also has a bit of trust issues and only trusts Ash and Lumine.

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