Chapter 5: Nate

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Chapter 5

I sat alone on the bed with my back pressed against the headboard and my head hung low. My entire body was throbbing in pain, most especially my face which was half covered with a bruise.

My right eye was very swollen causing me to have limited vision of where I was, but still, it didn't stop me from seeing that I was in the same bedroom as I was before Keith threw me in the basement. The only difference was that I wasn't in chains anymore and that the door to my left was opened wide.

I could have escaped then and there. I could have endured the pain in my body just enough to find the doors to the exit and run past that idiotic couple's house and find help elsewhere. But I didn't.

Not when Keith Romanov was staring darkly at me at the opposite end of the room.

It's been almost an hour since I woke up. I knew this because I've been counting the moment I saw his figure leaning forward as he sat on a couch.

He hadn't said anything and just stared at me the entire time. I could tell he was mad by the way his jaw was clenched. Other than that, nothing else really told me what he was feeling.

I kept my head down as I continued to count the seconds that passed by in my head. Another whole five minutes done and yet, he still hadn't moved.

I was starting to wonder if he accidentally died while I was asleep and this was just the rigor mortis kicking in but it proved to be a useless thought when he suddenly stood up from the couch.

Like an idiot, I flinched from the suddenness of his movements immediately regretting it as a dull pain spread across my body.

I winced in pain, clenching my hands and jaws together as Keith walked to the door. Before he completely exited the room, he looked at me one last time and closed the door behind him, leaving it unlocked.

There was only one thing I could decipher from his eyes.

Run away and I'll kill you.


Many hours have passed since then.

Instead of sitting on the bed and leaving my back to hurt, I decided to lay down on the soft and surprisingly comfortable bed. It was no use keeping my guard up against a person I definitely would not win against so I saved up my energy and gained some more by resting.

However, resting wasn't easy when you were in a psychopath's house- even more so when you're in his room.

My heart was pumping hard in my chest at the anticipation of Keith returning. With every creak of the floor and every sound I heard, I flinched and jumped, my eyes instantly going to the door and waiting for it to open but it never did. Not once.

I was getting quite hungry and thirsty. The last food I ate was the warm soup from the suspicious couple in the cottage minutes from this house. It was delicious but it was long gone now.

Still, I continued to endure it. Not wanting to piss off Romanov more and gain another black eye. I was already in so much pain, why would I want more?

Carefully, I closed my only working eye and tried to unfocus my hearing. Slowly, I let my body relax so I could finally sleep.

It didn't come as easy and I still found myself somehow listening to everything around me.

But as the seconds continued to pass, I could feel myself becoming drowsier and drowsier until all the sounds were numbed out and there was nothing but darkness surrounding me.

Finally, I was asleep.


I woke up for the second time feeling my stomach grumble loudly. I was so hungry that it was starting to hurt and my lips were getting so cracked that even just rubbing them together was causing it to bleed.

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