Chapter 9: Nate

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Chapter 9


A few days have passed since my encounter with Elijah and Christopher and since then, I have not once seen them around the house nor have I even caught a whiff of them around the halls.

A part of me had the idea that Romanov might have killed them off which wouldn't be too surprising considering he does have a record of brutally murdering his lovers, but the food I often find in the kitchen whenever I go on my daily walks told me otherwise.

If anything, I actually have this insane idea that both Christopher and Elijah were avoiding me for some reason.

Laying down on the couch with my head hanging off the edge, I stared outside the window and watched the leaves of the trees gently sway with the wind.

As I had predicted, the room I had managed to find instantly became my favorite spot in the entire house. I called it the ballroom because of how it looked.

For days I would spend hours in the room just watching the shadows move underneath the trees as the sun set into the afternoon. In some cases I would find myself staring out the window, lost in thought and I wouldn't realize how late it had become if not for Romanov coming to find me, worried, because I was not in bed.

Today was unfortunately one of those days but instead of waiting for Romanov to come fetch me, I decided to take another walk around the house.

Staying in here for more than a week has allowed me to understand the layout of the house more and more. I rarely get lost anymore and honestly, it was starting to become boring staring at the same walls and seeing the same doors over and over again every single day. I don't know how much longer I can hold on to my sanity to be honest.

Escaping is still very much on the table however I feel like Romanov also knows it no matter how comfortable I have acted in his presence. The doors leading outside are always locked with numerous padlocks and chains.

I've searched the rooms for keys but I couldn't find any. Even the knives were hidden making me feel like I was detained in an asylum for myself but the metal cutlery that Romanov always served with my breakfast kept me from thinking that. A little.

I decided to circle around the kitchen and dining area for a couple minutes before freezing in my tracks when I saw the backdoor wide open, letting in large amounts of sunlight which could potentially burn the vampires I'm currently stuck with.

I've had my hopes crushed millions of times in this god forsaken place so I didn't get my hopes too high as I walked towards the light. My heart, however, was pounding hard in my chest. I was undoubtedly looking forward to feeling the fresh air against my skin, the dry but warm dirt underneath my foot, and the cool leaves brushing against my hands as I run them through the bushes.

I would have jogged, ran, or even skipped towards the great outdoors if it weren't for a large figure suddenly blocking my way.

"Romanov," I said calmly, as if my heart wasn't crushed into a billion broken pieces just then.

The man didn't appear angry, fortunately, and just looked down at me as if I was lost.

"Where?" He spoke in his heavily accented english. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from mocking him and simply shrugged.

"Just... here I guess" I replied while making sure I didn't sound too disappointed. Romanov looked at me up and down before side-stepping, opening my path towards the outside.

My eyes widened like saucers. Is he letting me out?


He is?

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