The Kiss

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A month passed after Reagan figured out she had fallen in love with Brett. And the gang just got finished with a mission, almost everyone including Reagan was tired, but they were successful. "Ugh, for the sake of my life, let's never do a mission like that again." Gigi said moping, "No promises, but I get what you mean Gigi." Reagan told her. The only one who wasn't tired was Brett, though he was happy the mission was over and completed. Gigi, Myc, Glenn, and Andre all went to their designated places, whether it'd be in the bathroom, the war room (aka the office), or a restricted area. Reagan and Brett stayed together, Brett turned his head down to Reagan, "So, Reagan, I know that you might be tired after the mission. But do wanna chill together?" Reagan looked back up at him, her body was so exhausted she wanted to collapse on the floor. But she decided not to and just thought of the word "together" echoing in her head. Her and Brett alone together? Seemed like a dream in her mind, but this was reality. "Sure, why not." Her words weren't as enthusiastic as she would've liked them to be, but she couldn't be blamed for being tired. They both walked back to Reagan's lab, Brett was a little concerned about Reagan, but that was only because she looked like she was gonna fall on the floor. They finally reached her lab, and she and Brett walked through the door. And Reagan slid herself down the wall and sat on the floor, "Erm, Reagan?" Brett said her name just to make she wasn't asleep after doing that, "Yeah?" Was the only thing that came out of Reagan's mouth. Brett smiled, "Do want some coffee as an energy boost?" He asked her, all she did was nod, and he told her he'd be back soon. After he left, Reagan closed her eyes and fell asleep. Reagan could hear her name being said a few times, and she finally opened her eyes, "Good, you're up! I got coffee!" He said with a bright smile, Reagan felt a little less tired after taking that nap, but she still needed the energy, and just seeing Brett's smile made her take the cup he had for her. She's been loving the little things about Brett way more after falling for him. His smile, the way he laughs, him hugging her, the way he looks at her, she loved it all. Brett sat next to her against the wall and just stared into space as Reagan took some sips of her coffee. Just after a few minutes, Reagan had the energy to sit up and talk to Brett, "Uhm, thanks for the coffee, Brett. I probably would've fallen asleep on the floor if I didn't do anything." Brett gave a thumbs up to Reagan, "No prob, Reagan! Anything to make you feel better." Him saying that made her feel weird, again. The things Brett had been saying directly toward her just had been making her feel weird or flustered. She turned her head away to hide her red cheeks and put down the coffee. But then a thought popped into her mind, and to her, it wasn't a good thought, it was an "If you do this, this might ruin your first long-lasting friendship ever and you're done for." Type of thought. But in her mind, she wanted to stop this overthinking and turned her head back to Brett and asked, "Brett, can I kiss you?" Fuck, she asked, what's Brett going to say? Did she just ruin everything she had with him? Brett blinked a few times before his cheeks turned bright pink. "Uh, I-I mean, if you're sure go ahead!" He laughed nervously, and so many things were going through Reagan's mind after he said that. He agreed?! She never thought that would be his answer, but knowing Brett, he was open to anything. Reagan calmed herself down and got collected. Even though they were both sitting next to each other, Brett was still a little taller than Reagan, so she wanted to bring him down to her height. She grabbed his tie carefully and kissed him, during that kiss though, she noticed Brett was kissing her back. She let go and turned away in embarrassment, she still doesn't know why she wanted to do that, but it was already done. "Reagan? You okay?" He asked her after the few minutes of silence they had. She nodded, still not looking at him. "Okay, well, I appreciate the kiss, but I was thinking that I should give you a kiss just to be fair." Reagan turned her head so fast she almost hit the wall, "W-what!? Why would you want to do that?!" She questioned, "To make it even! If you kissed me, I would wanna be fair and kiss you." Reagan's face was red as a tomato at this point, but she nodded, cause who wouldn't want to be kissed by the person they fell in love with? Brett didn't hesitate at all, he grabbed her face gently and kissed her. Reagan already knew what kissing him was like, but this felt different, this kiss felt passionate enough to turn into a make-out. It didn't though, because Reagan took her lips off of Brett's before anything would happen, she was not about to make out with her best friend. It was just a simple one-time kiss and nothing more. "There! Now we're even." Brett said with a smile on his face. "Yeah, even." Reagan said quietly, but Brett still could hear her. She wanted to stop feeling so flustered, though she didn't know how, so she just kept drinking her coffee till she calmed down. It was silence for a few minutes, and Reagan decided to get up and throw away the cup. Brett got up with her and she said, "Let's go back to my place and watch a movie or something." Brett agreed, but just as soon as they went near the door, Reagan stopped and said, "Hey, Brett?" Brett turned around, "Yeah?" Reagan fixed her posture a bit, "Let's never speak of that kiss again, okay?" Brett was a little confused about the request he was just given, but he respected Reagan's wishes and said yes. "Thanks." Reagan said and they left the building and went outside. Reagan got in the driver's seat and Brett was in the passenger's seat. As Reagan was driving she couldn't help but notice Brett kept glancing at her. "You good, Brett?" Brett turned to her, "Yeah, I'm just thinking.. about y'know, even though you don't wanna speak about it." Reagan knew exactly what he meant, and she couldn't blame him. They were best friends and they both just kissed each other, on the mouth. And thinking about how they were both sober made it even weirder for them. "Yeah, I know what you mean and I can't get it out of my head either, I apologize if I uh made you uncomfortable." Brett shook his head, "No, no, you didn't, I just never expected that question to come out of your mouth, reconsidering Staedtler." Oh god, it's been a year since Staedtler erased his memory from Reagan. And she completely forgot about him, she never told anyone what happened to him. "Um, well, Staedtler is sort of gone. And he's kinda my ex now, so don't worry." Brett was confused, "Your ex? Did you two break up?!" Reagan wanted to tell Brett the truth, but she already knew that he wasn't good at keeping secrets, so she decided to lie. "Uh, yeah... But it's fine, a year has passed, and I'm not focused on that mushy breakup stuff anymore." And as soon as she said that, they arrived at her house. They both got out of the car and Brett said, "Well, I guess I know why you did that now." He did?! So he knew that Reagan fell in love with him? "Y-you do?!" She turned to him in a shocked manner. "Yeah! You miss Staedtler, I get it." He said smiling, Reagan sighed in relief at him not knowing her secret, but she also was thinking how damn oblivious he was. "Let's just go inside." They walked into her house and sat on the couch. Reagan turned on the TV and went on Netflix, "What are you in the mood for Brett?" She asked him. "Hmm.." He hummed while contemplating, "Romance!" He said, Reagan turned her head to him, "Romance?.." She said with confusion. "Yeah?.. What's wrong with it?" He asked her, "Nothing, just romance on Netflix is so fucking cheesy sometimes. But I'll look for something." She went through the genre of romance, "None of this seems all that interesting Brett." Brett made a disappointed groan, but Reagan decided to look through the LGBTQ genre. Nothing seemed interesting in the movie section until she reached the end of the list, "The Half of it?" She said, "Ooo, that one looks interesting! Let's watch it Reagan." He said excitingly, she said okay and clicked on it. Halfway through the movie Reagan fell asleep on Brett's shoulder, and then by the end of the movie Brett fell asleep with Reagan. They slept on the couch together for the whole night and woke up at sunrise.

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