Chapter 4: In Which Purpled is Poggers

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(Please point out any spelling/grammar mistakes you see:D)

Edit: I rewrote the chapter

Purpled POV:

When Purpled arrived at his older brother's base, he was greeted with the sight of Punz with his arms crossed, looking unimpressed.

"Where the fuck were you?"

Wow, that was extremely blunt and quite rude, in Purpled's correct opinion.

"Uh, none of your business?" Purpled replied, rolling his eyes. Who was Punz to pry into whatever the fuck Purpled was up to? It was none of his fucking business.

For some reason, this response completely threw Punz off. It was so worth it to see the look on his face at Purpled's statement.

"Are you Purpled?"

Punz was really testing Purpled's patience here. If it were anyone else, Purpled would've stabbed them by now.

"No, I'm just someone pretending to be him and for some reason knows this place exists. Hey, I might even have mind reading powers, which is how I managed to find this place. Well no shit Punz, of course I'm fucking Purpled. Who else would it be?"

"Ha ha, very funny. Anyway, just give me the information, and we can get this done and over with." Punz said.

Purpled sighed, this was going to be a fun experience, and he was going to enjoy every single second of it.

"About that... I don't exactly have any." Purple honestly had no regrets, and he was going to let Punz know that.

"I'm sorry, Purpled, but I must have misheard that. Did you just say you don't have any information?" Punz said in a dangerously low voice.

"Oh, great, it appears my brother's going deaf, I didn't realise he was that old yet. But yes, you didn't mishear shit Punz." Purpled Deadpanned.

It seemed Purpled was taking a Tommy approach to this situation. He was using Tommy's 'treat situations where I could die as a joke.' tactic, and it seemed to be working.

Damn, who knew a child was so smart. Of course, he wasn't going to say that to the blonde. If he did, Tommy probably wouldn't let him hear the end of it.

"Purpled, you do realise Dream's going to possibly kill me... Right?" Punz said slowly. The man seemed to be calm, but Purpled could tell he was actually panicking on the inside. Purpled honestly couldn't care less.

"Well honestly Punz if Dream kills you, that sounds like a you problem." Purpled smirked at his brother. Now he understands why Tommy does this a lot. It's actually fun.

Punz looked like he had just been hit by a truck. Purpled, on the other hand, felt like really proud of himself. Triumph gleaming in his eyes, the boy left the room. Leaving Punz to deal with the problem of trying to stay alive on his own.

Purpled's relationship with his brother isn't exactly the best. They didn't necessarily hate each other, but they didn't care for one another either. They were just kind of distant.

It was only this way because all Punz did was go on missions, and Purpled really just trained. Neither had even thought about spending time with each other. This ended up with them not really being proper brothers.

Purpled sometimes wondered what they could've been. He honestly couldn't care less about other people. The only reason why he was going to hang out with Tommy was because he had nothing better to do... he didn't actually like the boy. No one did! Except maybe that weird bee kid Tubbo. He was like Tommy's best friend or something, wasn't he? Yes, that's right. Purpled didn't like nor care about anyone. Especially not Tommy.

Denial, someone seemed to say.

"Shut the fuck up." He hissed to himself.

Judging by the look on Fundy's face, the Alien assumed that he had said that a bit too loudly for it to be normal

"What the fuck are you looking at." He snapped at the fox, hiding his embarrassment behind his carefully practiced intimidating glare.

Fundy hurried away quickly, not wanting to face the wrath of mercenary Purpled Bedwars himself.

It was one of the many things that he was good at.

Hell, even Dream was scared to be on the receiving end of one of Purpled's glares.

Purpled, for the sake of his ego, was going to ignore the fact that Tommy hadn't even reacted when Purpled glared, let alone threaten his life.

Self-destructive idiot.

Why was Purpled all of a sudden thinking about him so much? He didn't give a shit about the L'manberg or Manberg shenanigans.

Speaking of which... he just saw Fundy. Did he not?

What was one of Schlatt's lackeys doing here? That didn't seem like a good sign. He might have to look into it further, just in case.

Purpled sighed as he entered the bubble elevator that led to his base. Whatever Schlatt and his goons were planning probably wasn't going to affect him, and if it was... that was future Purpled's problem. He didn't really care about it right now. He just wanted to feed Dogchamp then get the fuck to sleep.


Sorry for short chapter, school just started and shit. I'm sure you understand! I'll make sure next chapter is long and filled with fluff and crack.

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