Chapter 7: In which the cliffhanger becomes anticlimactic

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I'm gonna be real, this chapter is literally chapter six but from Purpled's POV with a few extra scenes. Have fun with that I guess! I've also put a silly little mention of Purpled's backstory👀. I have so many plans for that in the future so keep that in mind I guess...enjoy the chapter:D

(Please point out any spelling/grammar mistakes you see:D)

Purpled POV

Purpled was a lot of things; stupid wasn't one of them. So of course, when Schlatt hired him for the Manberg festival as a security guard, he immediately became incredibly suspicious. 

At first, he rejected the offer; not wanting to be caught up in all the Manberg drama shit. 

Especially since Tommy was part of the resistance.

 Not that he cared about the blonde at all, the only thing he really cared about was Dogchamp. 




"So, two stacks of diamonds it is?" Schlatt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah." Purpled mumbled, rolling his eyes. 

He didn't actually want to go to this festival at all. 

The fact that Schlatt was willing to pay this much for him to be there were immediate red flags.

 But if Purpled could survive 2b2t, surely, he could survive this stupid ass festival shit.

As he exited the Manberg president's office, he decided to go visit the place where he and Tommy had hung out. 

Not that he wanted to see the boy at all. It was just a cool place. 

Or so you keep telling yourself.  

A voice inside of him unhelpfully whispered.

Stupid fuckin' instincts.

"Shut up." He hadn't meant to say it out loud- what the fuck was happening to him? He tried to subtly glance around, to make sure no one had heard him. 

Thankfully, the Prime Path was empty. As it usually was, at this of day time.

Actually, what time was it- he quickly glanced at his communicator; it was two fucking thirty already!? How long had that fucking boring ass conversation with 'J' fucking Schlatt taken???

Whatever, he was getting off track again. He just wanted to visit the place that Tommy had shown him. If the boy was there, he was there. If he wasn't that was fine too.






Because if he did, that would mean he had a weakness, and he couldn't afford to be weak. Or Tommy could be-

Oh shit-

Tommy was-

Nope! He refused to think about this.

As he made his way through the trees, the sun burned on his skin. 

Summer sucked; that was a fact that no one could deny.

 At least in Winter, you could just put on more layers to get warmer. In summer you just kind of had to go all day with being sweat and feeling gross.

Unless you carried around a portable fan, or some fancy rich people shit like that, but who actually would do that? 

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