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She could feel her nose bleeding , dripping on monster's arm that held her by her neck. Her mind was completely filled with horror and regret, but one feeling was superior and that was FEAR ! Every second, every minute seemed as long as an hour, this moment was so dreadful that even death was hesitating to take sakshi away. She desperately started moving her legs, started fluttering in his grip but the ruthless monster showed no mercy . She was just another long moment away from death . Her surroundings got blurry and soon darkness consumed her . Agonizing pain disappearing and she finally closed her eyes..!

A very familiar voice hit her ears . "Sakshi!!!"
The owner of the voice screamed .
"Wake up damnit!!" The voice felt close yet distant , muffled yet very desperate to get her out of this horrifying bubble of hallucination . She could feel monster's grip on her neck loosening . She could feel her eyes opening up to the light that engulfed everything around her . Seconds later she found herself floating in air . No monster , no friends that was her consciousness . She felt calm, she heard a melody "all the lonely people ~ where do they all come from~ all the lone---..." , the one she felt familiar with . She tried to follow the sound but found herself getting nowhere And soon..... she was dragged out of there by a big hand of unknown !


Sakshi's pov

My eyes shot open and I found myself inside a very same classroom where I fainted this morning . Tears rolled down my cheeks as I hyperventilated , I was soon embraced by very warm hands . Aryan Held me tightly in his arms as if he was afraid that I might disappear any moment . It took me few minutes to settle into the reality and calm myself . My brain started to pick up the situation . My friends ! They are alive! They were infront of me worried , relieved , panicked ! But apart from that the class is ...empty? My brain couldn't comprehend the situation . As happy as I was to see them alive, I was equally confused by this situation , it felt like I was slowly going insane . " what is happening to me , im scared....im so scared " I hid my head under crook of his neck while tightly grabbing the hem of his shirt and his warm hands rubbed my back " don't be scared , this time I won't let you go , believe me" he whispered softly in my ear . "You were spelled" I turned to look at the owner of said voice . Harsh's face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost, well this situation is no less than a horror story. "Wha....what do you mean?" I tried controlling my sniffles . " You.... it looked like you were about to lift up in the air and break your limbs any moment sakshi" dhairyavi got annoyed by harsh's twisted statement . " Harsh .... Get to the fucking point" subham scolded . "I know what he means !" Sakshee spat in serious tone " he's talking about vecna's curse in stranger things. Believe it or not sakshi really was in some sort of trance for a moment ." I felt my bones shivering from the thought of it . I don't fucking want to end up like max . "So you guys are saying vecna is real and she is cursed ? What kind of bullshit is that ?" Anand was by now so frustrated with whole situation . They all genuinely cared . It took me lil effort to speak without stuttering but I finally spoke my mind . " It's not ..... Not vecna ." Aryan cupped my face , looked at me with pleading eyes. " There's something you are hiding aren't you ? " He sighed "please tell us.... Please?"


After minutes of explaining what I felt when I was in so called trance , their faces turned dead serious . This whole situation has messed us all . " And about yesterday .... Im ready to tell you what happened" aryan turned his head instantly he was waiting to know what I was hiding . " Umm..."


Its 4th of August and my birthday is few more days away . I have always been one of those girls who start preparing for their birthday 2 months in advance. Always excited about wishes, gifts, and surprises. The only day when even Anchal agrees and fulfills all my wishes . Even if it's cliche , cringe and childish for her she would make faces but do whatever I like . Aanchal is not a hugger , skinship has always been her least favourite activity . She's been always into emo goth aesthetic if that's what they call it .she was friends with people having same taste who were outcasts which never sat right with me . They were so fun to be around . The only reason why people won't hang out with them was their false beliefs of goths being bad some even used to think they take part in satanic activities . That's so not true though . Small chuckle left my lips as I imagined Aanchal spooning and cuddling me whole day . " Oh that's so out of character....."

The train of thoughts I was traveling in was harshly interrupted by the piece of chalk that smacked my head . That shit hurts! "Sakshi...quite bold of you to daydream during my class" oh shit ... This is embarassing ."Why don't you ever pay attention to class?" *Stab* " Your grades are so poor" *stab* " why can't you be half as good as your sister ?" *Stab* *game over* *And there goes my pride * The words be stabbing me harder than knife all I can do was apologize while whole class was laughing on me .

And that's how I ended up getting cleaning duty after school as a punishment . I really gotta do something about my habbit of spacing out . "All alone in the classroom ~ mopping the floor ~ " yes I was dancing with a mop stick as a partner . Yes I'll never learn . I was almost done with my job and about to leave the school when I heard an ear throbbing scream coming from woods behind our school . I followed the voice in case I find a classmate being bullied. The bullies always chose woods to tie up their prey and leave them alone in fear , they found sick twisted pleasure in people's tears .

" Haru ? Is that you ? Did they bully you aga-" my whole body stopped functioning and I froze in the place horrified from what I just witnessed. It was a senior , his body was covered with blood . He looked dead , his body was torn apart from stomach .... And culprit was standing proudly over him smirking while crushing his intestine with her boots . She soon took few steps back and whistled . And a monstrous creatures answered it with loud growl . He looked hungry , he soon began to eat the corpse on the ground. The bone crushing noise , the blood gushing out of his body , the gorry display of organ made my stomach twist and turn I was gonna throw up. " Enjoying the show ?" The culprit and supposedly the master of this giant scary pet turned my way .... I screamed in visible fear . " You see ? The person who sees my face gets eaten" she smiled wickedly . " But we already feasting on him , aren't we Rose petal ?" I fell back , my legs gave up , shivering in my bone won't stop , I had no idea when I started crying . That's when she got closer , closer.... So close . Her eyes peircing straight through my soul while her lips chanted the words my brain couldn't make. Slowly I fell into arms of dark.


They very carefully listened to each word and processed it . " What happened next ?" Anand asked , sweat dripping down his forehead . " Next moment I opened my eyes and I was in the class holding a mop .... But believe me my heart was still racing fast and my uniform was dirty as if... As if I was dragged from the ground but I don't remember something like that happening ." " I got so scared that I ran straight back home" I was scared and decided to spend time with Aanchal and her friends , even got wasted , nothing dangerous happened and I literally believed that I was just hallucinating untill now . God ! I was about to cry again . It was silent for a second . " Do you know who she is ? The girl or witch or whatever that killed the guy ?" Subham asked and that's when it clicked me . Why can't I remember her face ? Why ? How is that possible , I clearly saw her face . " No ! I can't understand how --- I don't remember her face?" I sighed lowdly . " Its just a theory but I think she put a spell on you and erased that particular memory" It made sense . " And maybe this witch wants to get rid of you because you witnessed bloody murder ... You found out her secret after all" harsh finished. "But she has already erased her memory . What harm can sakshi be? " Dhairyavi got point too . " Maybe ..... Because her spell is weak . " I stated . " Her real plan was to erase all memories related to the incident but she failed ... I still remember almost everything ." Lord this was too much to take in but I think we did connect few dots . " Its a small guess but I think if sakshi tried harder she might remember witch's face? Maybe that's why she wants to kill her ? " Harsh sounded more like questioning .

We've gone through many things together , sometimes high sometimes low , but we'd never imagined we would get ourselves into something so horrible, so unpredictable , something deadly ! Something that cannot be avoided just by fooling ourselves into thinking it was a dream . I could feel it in my bones , we are about to gamble lot more than we are right now . Mainly ... My mind couldn't help but think ... What if ? What if there are more witnesses like me ? Guess we will have a find out ....!




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