8. The babysitters

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Nidhi's pov

                  The colourful walls with different cute stickers , painting and drawings created by kids , beautiful tiny cribs for infants , the floor that looks like multiple blocks layed with no care in the world , and so many toys to play with but the evil toddlers chose to play with naive human like me instead . Im running around these bunch of rats who call themselves mega titan team . I had to change the diaper of a little girl who is 8 months old daughter of homeroom teacher from CHS high but these little devils hid the diaper box god knows where , wasting few diapers by putting them on their head as a crown and now they are running everywhere. Im frustrated , they are all over the place like bugs , the boss of this so called mega titan team is a 6 yr old snotty nosed nugget who calls himself mighty king yuta . And right now this nugget is ruining some other kid's play by destroying their castel made by colourful blocks. " Oh my god , this is such a mess" I said with a long sigh . I warned them all not to be naughty....as if they will listen.. huh ! jokes on me . I've been searching the diaper bag for last 15 minutes but I can't find it anywhere . I even tried bribing them with chocolates but these kids are pure form of evil they won't even give me a hint . I eventually give up and plop on the floor with hand on my chest which was stinging from all the extra work I've been doing . Looking around I found two little girls fighting in the corner about who will play the role of snow white and who is going to be evil mother. Neither of them wanted to play the evil role. On the other side the baby was crying as she urgently needed her diaper to be changed . And then there is this evil nuggets team who randomly attacked and ruined game of kids who were peacefully enjoying their own company.  " Mom I'm gonna cry !" I whined and soon drops of tears rolled down my chin . I sniffled and sobbed harder . "God this is embarrassing" I quivered just like a baby at this point I had no Idea of whether im crying out of  frustration or humiliation .
                         " Nivi ?" Yuta approached me with expression of regret plastered on his face . All the kids stopped their job and stared at my crying face. Even the baby stopped crying to look at me ! My face went red from all the attention . Soon I felt a soft thing rubbing on my cheek. It was yuta ! The boy took the diaper off his head and wiped my tears with it . " What's going on?" Our eyes followed the direction of the voice . OH LORD THE SAVIOUR IS HERE !  " Pawan !! " He was holding sakshi's 5 yr old sister dolly in his arms. I ran and embraced him into tight hug . " Pawal ish here " yuta exclaimed and all the kids attacked him , few hugging his leg while telling how much they missed him and few others calling him dragon and trying to knock him down with their toy swords. And the shy prince stayed silent his expressions spoke lot more than his lips ever did . While dolly was in his arms looking at kids like they ain't shit . The girl is chill as fuck.


          "Thank you for saving me pawan." I was grateful . While he was changing diaper of the baby girl.  He is really good at babysitting unlike me . Dolly and I both stick to pawan cause we both know he is a reliable person , so kind . I feel little guilty for always ending up getting help from him . The only reason I was sent here was so I could become a responsible person . My mom was right when she said taking care of kids is a real task , but it also makes you patient and stronger with time . I definitely learnt something and also lose my bet with mom . I sigh....
          "Done" he said and kissed baby on cheeks . "You're such a dad" I snorted. The boy shyly ruffled my hairs . He had igniting smile . I wonder why he doesn't smile often. The boy looks like greek Olympic runner if that makes sense . That's the only possible explanation you can expect from me . My brain works different . His curly hairs looking ready to be caressed , his tan skin , honey brown eyes , his habit of nibbling on his lips when focused , all this cute tiny features never once missed my eyes . The hint of blush spread across my face when his eyes caught mine . My heart stopped for a moment . He is speaking....his voice is calm deeper than ocean and.... and... -  " Nidhi? What's wrong ? " I was staring at him for too long . I instantly diverted my eyes from him and cleared my throat before speaking . " Im... I zoned out , s-sorry" I tried to laugh it out but the atmosphere turned really awkward. Oh god ! Why do I end up making fool of myself ? " You zone out a lot these days ..." He said looking away as if hiding his shy face . " Nivi and pawal are fwirting again" sudden comment from dolly made us more flustered than we already are . "WE ARE NOT FLIRTING !! " both of us replied at same time which was funny for some unknown reason . I burst into laughter while pawan was still looking down trying to get his thoughts together.
                 " Sorry guys I'm late ." A chirpy sound was heard . It was yuta's mother Kim yuna . Miss yuna was the most elegant lady I've ever seen in my life . She looked just like idols I aspired to be one day . Yuta's father fell in love with her during his trip to south korea . He is hardcore fanboy , lucky guy to have her as a wife . " Eommaaa .... !!! " The boy ran towards his mother as soon as he heard her voice . " Jiminieee ... I missed you so much baby " she squealed "you didn't bother them right baby ?" She pecked yuta nugget whose real name was jimin , they named him after a k-pop idol , showering him with all the motherly touches that seemed to take her stress away . " I wash a gwood boy , right nivi ? " The boy switched his personality real quick turning into a saint . " Oh boy.... Look at you pulling 180° " pawan exclaimed . We all know how the naughty the boy is including the mother who was laughing at her son's playfulness. " Thank you both of you for taking good care of him , what would I'd do without you " her words made me all giddy and happy inside . " No worry miss , you can always count on us " I said with a reassuring smile while nudging his elbow indicating him to reassure the lady too . He soon gets the hint . " Yuta... I mean jimin is surely a naughty guy , but he is also the first one cheer and support the kids !" Pawan stated . "That lifts burden off my chest , here .... I bought this for you two , and this is for your mom , nidhi " the lady handed me and pawan the box of cookies and a container with porridge in it for my mother as she is sick . We both were hesitant but the lady left no place for argument . She cared for us like her own kid that made us feel special.
      The following day went as usual , all the kids were taken back home except for dolly . Its not first time she is left alone playing with dolls in the corner of the room , both her sisters were mostly busy with suprise extra classes or assignment issue . CHS was popular for pressurising their students with too many projects . And dolly's mom .... Well I never met her before as much as I know , she is a single parent and alcoholic at that . They said she is trying her best , also visits church at morning to keep her mind at ease . Guess that's one step towards healthy life ! It was already 7 and pawan had to leave as he promised his brother to cover his shift in night cafe for him . People always ask him tons of favours but boy never complains about it . But he should really work on this people pleasing habit .
                 We waited for one more hour and no body showed up that's when I decided to take dolly to my home . Taking dolly to my house often has become of my daily life , as I mentioned it wasn't the first time , so it was normal for me to take her to my place . Thanks to god she is calm kid , she never complained ..... Just like pawan . I chuckle , they get along well cause they share same brain cells . I texted the sisters to inform them about dolly . The angel fell asleep on the way . Her chubby cheeks smushed on my shoulder , while her pouty cupid lips were wet from all the drool that's now oozing on my chest . My heart melted at the sight . Kids are blessing ! I started getting closer to my house, but today the street seems a bit too silent , something felt really off . I quickened my pace , almost running as my heart was beating fast . It was quite to the point I could hear my own heartbeat , my own footsteps , the bids of sweat dripping down my head , the quenching thirst in my throat. "Nivi?" I'll lie if I said that sudden call of my name didn't scare me , but this mis-pronounciation of name made me realize that it was non other than cute kid in my arms.  " Yes honey? Did I wake you up ?" She shaked her head , while sleepishly rubbing her eyes , trying to process where she is with her tiny brain . "Where ish sish?" She asked " Sorry dolly , you sister's are little busy today so you'll have to stay with me for Little more time " she nods , honestly this girl is really something , If I had even 5% of patience she has my friends would have worshipped me . I snorted.

              We were almost there. I felt sharp shiver running down my spine when we passed from the neighbour house. The people living in that house are always surrounded with weird rumours that it makes my skin Crawl. I pushed the thought in back of my mind and entered my house . " Mom I'm home " I said waiting for a reply but I got none . My instincts were telling me something is very wrong . As soon as I entered her room I found her looking directly at my direction, her eyes open wide ready to pop out any moment , her lips chapped , she looks so pale . I put the kid down and walked towards her . " Mom , are you alright ? " I extended my hand to check on her that's when she grabbed my hands so tightly , her palms cold as ice . " Mom you are scaring me " I panicked . " Nidhi , she killed him .... She killed everybody , she will kill me too " her words peircing through my heart . "Mom what do you mean ? Please tell me ... Who are you talking about ?" She wasn't going to cool down anytime soon her state was terrible . Dolly had calm face on but I can see her slowly shifting to the corner in fear.

              " The neighbour !! that girl from the neighbour killed her father , she killed our neighbour grandma too .... I saw it all with my own eyes , her father his body exploded into pieces ...... And ... and that grandma from block 2 satan ate her " it made no sense to me , no one on earth can explode like pressure cooker now can they? "Mo- mom I think you need some r-" She interrupted before I can even calm her down "you think im crazy nidhi? Believe me for god's sake" she cried out disappointed of me . "Mom please , I believe you I'll protect you just stay calm please"

              After what felt like an hour , I succeeded in calming my mother down , but she is so sure of what she have seen , she is making me question my own sanity. Dolly is sound asleep in my arms and I've been calling her sister multiple times. They won't pickup or check the text I sent . "Where are you two , pick up the call damnit !" Whole day was tiring , what my mom says is quite hard to believe but I agree on one thing for sure the girl from neighbour gives off weird energy . I've seen her covered up in bruises few times , either she was bullied in school or maybe was abused by her parents or even involved in illegal shit . I tried to talk to her before but her behaviour gives me creep so I stayed far away as possible . My head was clogged with thoughts of what my mom kept repeating trying to get to the conclusion when my eye lids felt heavy , my body was exhausted and I slowly fell into world of dreams . 


It was 5 in the morning when I abruptly woke up from my slumber. The kid responsible for waking me up by head butting me was wincing from pain. She definitely realized her idea was dumb . " Why did you have to wake me up like that ugh.." I groaned . " Dowwy wash scawed " she said with broken voice . Ofcourse she was scared , she woke up and found a monstrous looking person snoring besides her . My bed hairs are no joke , I snorted . I checked my phone , there's no sign of dolly's sisters it was concerning . But there was something else that shocked the fuck out of me . " How can it- ...... Be possible" my eyes wide open , I rubbed them and checked the phone again . It say ,5th of AUGUST ? Im very sure today's date has to be 6 aug . I got up to check my diary that I write every morning and evening . The last date on record was 5 aug . " This is nuts ! " I suddenly turned my head when I heard my mother's scream coming from other room . " Mom !!! "



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