9. Crimson Hell

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My mother was on the floor , her body pale as if her soul left her body . I panicked , I checked her pulse and she was alive , her hands were cold as ice , her forehead profusely sweating and her nose bleeding . And most terrifying of all her eyes wide open and white. Dolly ran towards me with glass of water in her hand , I sprinkled water on her face hoping for her to come back to consciousness but it didn't help . " Dolly stay here with mom , I'll call ambulance okay" I said hurriedly and ran back to my room searching my phone , my hand were shaking so much that it was impossible for me dial the number somehow I successfully contacted 911 and got situation in hand .

It's been few hours since my mom got hospitalized . I could not forget the pain in my mother's eyes , the scream she let go when doctors were trying to treat her . The doctor said that her condition worsened due to stress , but she will get better after a good nap and proper medications. But my instinct told me this was not going to end good . I thanked doctor before leaving the room with dolly who was really silent . " Doll , im so sorry you have to see these all " I hugged the little figure who did not hesitate before embracing me with same gentle hug . " Nivi mommy will be okay " her little hands patted my hair reassuringly . Honestly this kid was more matured than 99.99 % of people I knew. I turned back and saw my mother resting on the hospital bed through the glass window. My mother is not weak she has seen worst . Something told me stress is not reason behind her terrible condition . The things mom said last night went over and over in my head like a broken tape recorder . Her claiming about neighbour being killed , the creepy girl , the satan , and most important today's date . This shit was way more abnormal and crazy .

I checked hospital calendar and it said 5 August . I talked to receptionist , tried to confirm if it was a mistake but no the time really has stopped and not everyone seemed aware of it except me . But why me ? " Ugh, my brain can't brain anymore" I whined . " I wish I could take you to your home doll , but im sorry this dumbo doesn't know your address " I apologised the little girl with pout on my face . " I checked her my little pony bag but couldn't find anything related to her mother or her address . I was about to give up it all and sleep right there on the floor in the middle of hospital but then It clicked my mind . I might not know where dolly lives but I do know her sisters study at CHS and maybe they pulled a night over after studying . Or maybe they might know about this suspicious things that are happening around us . After all it can't be only me who is aware of this shit ..... Right? Guess we will have to find out .


Pin drop silence , white walls with study charts, a black board with date written on it , student seats arranged, big windows with big white curtains . Never thought that a place like school where every child spends time together with eyes full of dreams would fill their eyes with endless darkness. A place that once felt crowded with students and their squeal is now as quiet as a funeral . We stayed up all night trying to get out of the situation . Yes ! We were stuck in the class whole night . And hope in our eyes wavered with passing time .

All the clocks in the room had stopped exactly at yesterday 10 : 35 in the morning. Since then we have neither been able to trace the time nor have been able to get out of this room. "Hey !! Anybody out there ? Heyyyy!! Can somebody help us get out of here ?" Harsh has been trying for several hours to get some kind of help but to no avail. Infact we all tried many ways, even tried to break the door and windows but couldn't succeed. " Fuck you ....you wannabe vecna , why the fuck are you doing this to us !" Harsh fumed with anger kicking the chairs. "There's no point in wasting your energy" the calmest voice in the room stated . Sakshee looked hopeless , her once sparkly eyes looking empty while she held dhairyavi's hand tightly. "Guys please don't lose hope , something tells me we will get out of here soon " Aryan said trying to cheer the people up who didn't reply . But deep down I knew he was as scared as others . He was doing all this to make us feel better . " How do you feel ? " He asked with pat on my shoulder as if he sensed my mood as I was sitting near the window far away from my friends , busy blaming myself , indulged in my own thoughts . " I haven't had a nose bleed since I got out of trance and I haven't felt abnormal things happening to me which is a good sign I guess . " I said giving a half hearted smile . He nodded his head and rubbed my back trying to reassure me . " You know you are not at fault right? " He gently rubbed my palm with his thumb of other hand. I turned to him with tears in my eyes " how am I not to blame ? Only if I hadn't seen that fucking shit happen , we'd all be chilling at home right now ". He sighed. "The whole school can't be destroyed because of you sakshi , my heart says that there is some other reason behind all this . Trust me !" I just nodded , I couldn't muster up strength to argue about situation .

" Any luck in finding out who the culprit is, do you remember anything ? " Dhairyavi asked from far visibly pale from intrusive thoughts clogging up her mind . I shaked my head " Im sorry " she hung her head low . Why did it have to be me , I already struggle with short term memory how am I supposed to remember someone's face when they definitely don't want me to ? "Im hungry" anand scowls . We all were hungry and decided to share one lunch box and one bottle of water . I always had some extra snacks in bag and I was very thankful to myself for that.

We decided on saving food and water as much as we could cause honestly we had no idea how long we were gonna be trapped here . Subham and anand tried their best to reach 911 or any other person through phone but to our surprise even network was cut off . It was like we were in completely parallel world . We had no information or idea about what we were gonna face . There were many riddles waiting to be solved . " Fuck this shit " harsh never stopped grumbling . " Dude , take a chill pill , Our parents will surely come looking for us, so wait till then ......without harming yourself. " Subham said in cool tone while checking his phone ".One thing they didn't know was that the stopping of all the clocks in room was not just any coincidence . The world did get stuck on same date and only few people were aware . That is , the people who were somehow connected to the curse , the people who witnessed the flow of energy in other words the gruesome murder and the people close the cursed ones .

"Bruh I want to take a piss" the word that everybody's being wanting to say for long time has been spoken finally . They can't even open the window let alone urinate . At first they did not take it serious but now slowly they realised how fucked up the situation is and how they can all just end up dead waiting for someone to open the door and save them from the hell hole of room they were stuck in. " Why did you say it out loud you bastard " harsh scolded . " What did you call me ? You gay ass-" subham's words were cut off by hard punch that landed on his face . " Never call me that again " harsh was furious the way he landed punch on subham proved it all and subham didn't hold back either . He landed a hard blow on Harsh's abdomen while spitting random curses . Everything was a mess . We tried hard to stop their pitched battle . " STOP IT ! JUST STOP IT !" D cried out she was scared of the environment that was created . " Guys , Stop fucking each other up , I know your brain is all shitted up cause you didn't take shit this morning, but don't lose hope... please" sakshee mumbled lowly , especially the last few words as if she was not sure herself ." I agree , don't fight over stupid shit " I said concerned . "You!" Harsh pointed at me . " You are in no place to say anything bitch , afterall you are the reason we are stuck here. " That's was the last straw for me , I was so offended , my heart broke in pieces but yes he was right . I was the reason behind their misery . I lowered my head , fighting back tears that soon rolled over my cheek . Aryan was about to defend me which means one more fight was about to unfold . But we all were soon interrupted by the loud siren and the red light that lit up in the class . We ran towards window and opened the curtains only to meet terrifyingly confusing scene infront of our us . The sky is red , the sun is red .....everything.....all of it ... Turned crimson red !! .The loud growls , and herd of some unknown creature running in corridor shaking the ground increased our heart rate to maximum. " STAY ALARMED !! ". Anand screamed. We all got our guards up but if we are meant to fight this crazy creatures then how are supposed to do it ? Is this the end of us ? We have no idea about that but one thing is clear this crimson hell is the BEGINING OF WAR !

Yes stay alarmed , get your guards up cause the war has begun ! 💗Huehueheuheue , 💜🐄 finally an update . Phew enjoy the chapter. Also , sorry for grammatical errors .

 Also , sorry for grammatical errors

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