Chapter 4.5: The Stars

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For Future Reference:

Whenever a chapter is labeled .5, it's a chapter that has already happened doing the 5 years in this book takes place. There will be a total of 10 chapters including this one, recounting how the relationship has grown or where it is heading.

Good Luck.


I turned in bed after hours of not sleeping. My eyes felt gritty as I stared at the darkness around me.  It had been a while since I'd last looked outside my bedroom window, but it was still midnight. I sighed and rolled over to face my phone, still lying on the nightstand. I picked it up and checked the time again. 12:52.

Everyone was asleep. Y/N purred and turned closer to be for warmth. I figured Quinn went to bed when I bed because I could hear any shuffling downstairs again. The light from my phone illuminated the room as I scrolled through my social media feed although it was the same thing before I went to bed.

I don't understand why I was so restless these last few days. Why I couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired or stressed? Every noise seemed louder; every noise was more intrusive than usual. There were too many thoughts running through my mind, and too much pressure. So, I just stopped trying to talk about things that bothered me...or maybe I just gave up altogether.

Y/N groaned and turned her back away from me and pulled the covers with her.

I sighed again, leaned down, and kissed her forehead Her hair smelled like vanilla shampoo, and I loved smelling her hair. She shifted slightly, letting out a soft moan. A small smile tugged my lips and laid my head next to her She had been so wrapped up in her world that we barely saw each other this week. The only time we exactly had a conversation was this evening right before bed; even then, we just talked about work.

I'm tired of work, of acting, and the cameras. I just want something normal with her without the world watching 24/7. I want normal for once I wanted us to spend some time together where none of our schedules had to interfere, and I want to be able to hold her hand in public without someone writing a fucking six-page article about it.

I gave her one last look before pulling the covers back and standing from the bed. She's beautiful when she sleeps. She looks so innocent, so calm, so content. I walked over to the closet and grabbed my robe from its hanger. I stepped into the hall. I took the stairs silently and tiptoed across the wood floor, just checking to make sure the doors were locked. I knew they were. After all, Quinn always checked if I locked everything every night. I didn't think I had anything to worry about, but I just wanted to make sure.

I settled for the kitchen, taking small steps to the refrigerator and pulling it open. Y/N had brought home some food from the set, but I couldn't bother myself with heating it. Instead, I reached for the Go-Gurt Quinn likes. I know he told me not to steal another one, but I'll play him back. Besides, they're too good to let go to waste. I pulled a couple from the box and laid them again on the counter. Then, I reached for the string cheese and a juice box we kept in stock for Destiny.

Leaning against the counter, I stared into space, not thinking about anything. I ate in silence, watching the trees outside sway to the soft breeze. As I set down the second empty packet of Go-Gurt, Y/N's hands slipped around my waist. She laid her weight against my back, sighing.

"You weren't in bed," She whispered. I pulled her around me until we were facing each other. Her eyes were filled with sleep and confusion. I smiled at her and stroked her cheek. Y/N returned my smile softly and leaned her head against my chest. "What are you doing up?"

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