Chapter 15 (Sonic Pov)

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I watched a waterfall as I sat down on the ground. It had been a long time since I last talked to Amy. I wonder what she has been up to. I been feeling so jealous knowing that she was at Shadow's house. I guess that I deserved it. I did end up kissing Sal. I still don't feel free. I then looked up at the sky. I am waiting for Tails to show up. He is a very smart guy. Amy had to have seen Sal and I kiss. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have even talked to Sal in the first place. I then laid down on the ground. It's a strangely peaceful day.

"Hey Sonic!" I heard Tails yell as I also heard footsteps approach. I looked over at my two tailed best friend. He seemed nervous about something. He is probably disappointed that his best friend cheated on someone as amazing as Amy.

"Hey Tails." I mumbled. I noticed that he seemed surprised by something then he took a seat next to me. He looked up at the sky.

"You said that you wanted my advice?" Tails spoke softly. He then looked at me. He had an expression of pity. Was he taking pity on me? Why would he do that? I'm not the one that deserves this.

"Yes. You know of my situation with Amy. Sally got yelled at by Knuckles and now she no longer wants to help me. A reasonable thing. I may have argued with her about it. What do you think I could do that could help with my relationship with Amy?" I asked him. Tails kept up with his pity expression then he opened his mouth a bit. He put his hands on his lap. The wind was blowing softly.

"You could ask her to talk to clear the air. However, you will have to accept whatever choice she makes. If Amy choices to leave you because of you kissing Sally then it will be over. There is a chance that she will forgive you." Tails mumbled as he looked me directly in the eyes. He gave me a weak smile. Then he continued. "If Amy was to forgive you, then you would have to do everything in your power to fix her trust in you. It would probably take a long time."

"I never saw myself doing something like this." I told him as I looked up at the sky. I can stand the sad expression he had. "I know that it's up to Amy. She normally is very forgiving. However, I don't think she would forgive me for this."

"Message her and plan a time to talk about things." Tails responded. I looked at him. "Let it be up to her when you guys talk. Sooner the better, you can explain yourself. Listen to what Amy says and really listen to it." His voice sounded both so serious and so calm. I then got my phone out and messaged Amy:

Hey Ames, I want to talk to you about a few things. I don't know why you are avoiding me or why you went to Shadow's. We should talk asap tho.

I stared at the message for a solid ten minutes. Is this even good enough? I mean I know why she is avoiding me. I just don't know why she went to Shadow of all people. Shadow and I haven't always gotten along. Since when did him and Amy get along? I never knew them to be close enough for Amy to stay at his house. I finally looked back at Tails.

"I messaged her. How long will it take for her to respond?" I asked him. Tails just shrugged. I can't believe myself with his. Maybe being with her was a mistake. I wouldn't blame Amy if she left me but if she did then she would probably end up with Shadow. Shadow wouldn't do that to be though, I am friends with him. As far as I know.

"Wait and see. Amy will respond when she is able to it when she wants to. We can't force her." Tails told him. I'm glad that he doesn't hate me for any of this. I gave Tails a weak smile. Then I noticed something from the corner of my eye. There was Shadow, he was walking and talking to Rouge. Rouge was flying next to him. I probably shouldn't ask him about it. Then I saw Rouge fly away from Shadow. She always stuck by Shadow so if anyone knows why Amy stayed at Shadow's place for a while other then Amy and Shadow, would be Rouge the bat.

"Do you think that she would want to continue our relationship?" I asked Tails. I felt slightly jealous as I thought of Amy and Shadow spending time together. I know Amy loves me too much to cheat on me. That is outside of what she would do. She has been in love with me for years and those feelings don't just go away. Like for Sal, who's feeling never went away from me. She still loves me but she needs to move on.

"As I said, wait and see." Tails repeated himself. I never thought about how visiting Sal would backfire so badly but it has. I looked back at the clouds. I need to stop looking at Shadow. I don't think Shadow would even be capable of falling in love with Amy. I also should trust Amy more. Just because I kissed Sal, doesn't mean that Amy would kiss another guy, right?

I watched was that clouds calmly went by overhead. I noticed a few shapes in the clouds. One was a baby duck, another was of a jar of cookies. I smiled softly at them. At least all of these look so peaceful. Maybe I should watch clouds with Amy once her and I talk things out. That would be nice, just her and I watching the clouds. I can alright imagine how she would look with the wind gently blowing in her hair, her soft loving smiled that is directed towards me. Her soft giggle was she would point out the shape of the clouds. That would be so adorable. Didn't she ask me a while back to watch the clouds with her? Why didn't I accept it? Why did I just run away from her in that moment?

"Sonic?" I heard Tails say, no it wasn't Tails. I looked at the owner of the voice and realized that it was Shadow. He was standing next to Tails, who was still sitting down. I glared at him, I have no right to be upset at him. If he is asking me for help then I won't do it. Even though I normally am very open about helping Shadow. Shadow had his arms crossed as he looked down on me with his normal judgemental stare. Why is he always thinking that he is better than me?

"What is it?" I asked Shadow as I sat up. I notice that Tails is still looking at the clouds, barely paying any attention to Shadow. He was just laying there peacefully. Shadow's judgemental look never changed, instead he just seemed more annoyed with me then usual. I wonder what he is going to tell me. I can tell that he is upset with me which isn't new. Everyone seems to be getting upset at me.

"Metal Sonic might attack Tails's workshop." Shadow mentioned as he let his hands drop to his sides. Tails then quickly turned his head until Shadow was in view. He even quickly sat up. I glared even more at Shadow. Why does he think that Metal might attack Tails's workshop? What respond would he have to attack the place?

"What did you do?" I asked him with a stern voice.

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