Part Sixteen: Just Another Day

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I woke up with Shadow next to me. He was still asleep. I sighed with relief and got out of bed carefully. Quickly, I closed the door behind me. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I was doing it anyway. I don't understand why but anxiety built up inside me. Something felt off. I quickly looked around. I was so worried, that I closed all the currents, but the feeling didn't go away. I looked around more. The feeling didn't go away. Then- I heard a cough. A loud, hard cough. The voice sounded so familiar. Gray... I ran into the bedroom and shook Shadow awake. "Shadow, I-I heard Gray! I heard his cough!"

Shadow rubbed my face as he woke up completely. "Shh, his cough? Love, are you okay?"


Then, there was a laugh. Gray's laugh. My heart stopped. Shadow's face turned from concern to anger. Pure murderous anger. He pulled me to his chest and pulled out a pistol from under the pillow. I was too scared to question it.

A voice showed through, "I finally found you, my daughter is heartbroken, she needs you, Sonic," it showed rough. I felt like I was gonna pass out. Shadow pulled me closer and whispered that it'll be okay. The room got darker and darker. I wasn't ready for this. Gray opened the door and immediately got a gun pointed at him. "What a wonderful gun," Gray said. Shadow just growled.

"Gray. Leave."


"You aren't taking him. I'll kill you before you get the chance."
Short one but an interesting one. :)

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