Part Seventeen: Meanwhile

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"Officer! We have a lead!" one cat in the police station yelled to the captain of the investigation. "It looks as if there is more than one person behind this. At least that's what the evidence suggests." the cat laid down a folder of all sorts of papers and pictures.

The leading officer nodded and opened the file. He saw names, photos, and suspects. With some, he suggested in the past being the main suspects. He knew one thing, whoever had Sonic was clever and knew how to cover their tracks. Being the head of the investigation means that he has to look into these people carefully. If any of them has Sonic and knew they were being looked into, they would go into hiding the first chance they have, then Sonic might not be found again. That's if he was still alive.

All the murders around that kid proved someone was after him or someone wanted him dead. They were finally able to open this case about a month ago, so the case was still fresh, and with all the leads they have so far, they were doing well. They were sure the kid will be found.

"All we have to do is find more evidence. If it is who I think it is, this should be a piece of cake." He turned to the cat from earlier, "Get me the chief, I need to talk with him."

Weeee. Again, this is a short one, but a necessary one. Sonic is being looked for by the cops. The question is who is his son suspect?? Oooh~~~~

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