Chapter 4: The Siege

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Previously on The Mandalorian...

(Mando stood in front of a man and shows him the puck with his bounty on it, making him freeze and look down at the holo of him.)

"Oh. is that me? There must be some mistake. I can get you credits."

"I can bring you in warm... Or I can bring you in cold."

(Mando places his hand on his blaster. Making the man look down at it momentarily then back to him.)

(Mando shoves the man into the carbonite chamber and freezes and freezes him inside the carbonite.)

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Very healthy."

"What are your plans for it?"

"This asset was of extreme importance to me."

"Such a large bounty for such a small package."

(Silya flicks her eyes right at the warlord.)

"Clan Toluk, this is clan sister. The child is like me."

"I know you want to help. But you have to let it go."

(Dr. Pershing gasps, flinching away as the interrogation dried was fired at and explodes, then Mando and Silya turn their attention back to Dr. Pershing, aiming their blasters at him.)

"What did you do to it?"

"Please don't hurt him. It's just a child."


(Silya took out a blanket, took the child off the table, and carefully wraps him in the blanket.)

"Cara Dune here was a veteran. She was a drop soldier of the rebellion."

(Repeating blaster fire was shot at the Tie as it flew over them. Gideon aims and fires at them, but Mando jumps right into the air above Gideon as he is right under him.)

(He did another fly-by, blasting at them. But Silya shot up, shot her hands out, and stops the Tie dead in her tracks.)

Kill him.

He almost killed Mando.

He deserves to die.

He took away your master.

He wants to take the child away too.

Kill him.

Kill Moff Gideon.

(Giving into her rage, Silya's eyes revert to Sith yellow and she shot out electricity from her hands, then drops. Exhausted from the usage of the force.)

(Collecting herself quickly, she joins Mando and they placed charges onto the side of one of the arms of the tie and leg go. The Tie blew and spins out of control, crashing, who knows where.)

"You're staying here?"

"Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respectable again."

"Until we meet again, may the force be with you."

(The poorly repaired Razor Crest lifts off the landing pad of the docks as the lift-off was unsteady.)

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