Chapter one

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info : 

father: Sensory Deprivation – The ability to turn the senses of another being on and off. For example, the ability to make someone blind and then make them be able to see again

mother: Water Control The ability to command water at your leisure.

Brother name Darrion:  Water control when gets too hot passes out must constantly consume water 

y/n   water control can use water from outside places and must drink water to replenish water in the body, weak heat, and nose bleed.

Sensory Deprivation – The ability to turn the senses of another being on and off. For example, the ability to make someone blind and then make them able to see again

the downfall with this quirk is overuse she will lose one of her 4 senses and mobility for a limited time. later o she will be able to have her water taken the senses away but for now, she has to touch someone  

 5-year-old y/n pov

 I walked into the kitchen and saw mama and daddy sitting watching the news, I toddled up to them with my drawing in my hand, and daddy helped pick me up I showed them the picture it was of our family. I was sitting on daddy's lap when Darrion my brother came running in crying saying he broke his bike. instantly my parents hurried over to comfort him offering him a new bike and so on 

six years old 

it was my birthday and I had asked my parents to go to the zoo we had a nanny at this time her name was Ellie anytime I wanted anything they would have the nanny take me as they doted on my brother this was when I knew I would always come second to my brother 

y/n pov present day middle school 

As I was dropped off at school by Ellie I ran over to Izuku and we started to chat about the latest villain attack. As we were talking we were interrupted by a loud-barking bully. 

Bakugo: well if it isn't y/n and Deku. why are you always hanging with him y/n...

I looked down and held my hands trying not to make eye contact. As he and Izuku started to get into a fight Izuku was scared but he at least could stand up for himself even if it were a little bit. Soon the bell rang and we hurried to class. It was a normal day, and for the most part, got top marks on my test I looked out the window and saw Darrion Ditching school with his friends a second year in ua and he's ditching. I was thinking about if I wanted to go there I knew Bakugo and Izuku were wanting to but could I make it? As I walked home that night after school I walked into an empty house making my way to the kitchen I saw a note on the fridge  

We're working late you have miss Ellie's number if you need anything stay out of your brother's room From mom and dad. 

I left to the backyard and started Practicing my quirk " luckily the backyard is closed in" I thought to myself.  One after another I readied water blades and attacked random bushes, I was in the middle of practice when I heard my brother open the back door and sit down. 

Darrion: wow sis didn't know you could fight like that 

y/n: yeah well I try 

Darrion: so I found this in your room are you thinking of applying To UA ......

I stayed silent and looked at the ground wanting him to leave me alone. He smiled and started to rip up the paper and throw it on the ground in front of me.

Darrion: You know even if you don't cut it in hero class tryouts I'm sure the normal class at Ua will be open.  

I walked past him and slammed my bedroom door and started to cry I taped the application back together. I was going to prove them wrong, I laid down on my bed and started texting Bakugo before falling asleep. 

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