a choice

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Bakugo pov

I was stuck in this stupid get-up at Best Jeanest Hero agency, lying down for the night as I was lying down my phone pinged I picked it up and saw it was from the stupid group chat y/n was trying to see how everyone's internship was going. I could help but think of her stupid cute face. I was smacking myself on the head before yelling into my voice to type on my phone. 


as I sent it, the others in the chat started teasing me about my internship. only annoyed me more tell I got a private message from y/n telling me sorry, I looked at my phone and called her.

 " Hello," I heard her say in a calm but sleepy voice. I turned on my camera and started to say something but didn't. 

y/n pov

As I was getting ready for bed and about to fall asleep I got a call from bakugo, I assumed he was going to yell at me again as I answered with a nice "hello" but he said nothing in sted I saw him switch over to the video camera I turned mine on as well, as I looked at the screen I could not help but blush and chuckle a bit his hair was combed down he had a white muscle shirt and Jeans on. 

y/n So what up bakugo interesting hair 

Bakugo: fuck this hair Jeanest won't let me out unless it's done like this 

y/n:  I'm assuming the tight-ass jeans are the cause of him as well 

Bakugo: What does it matter he's right though. He was glaring as he said thoughts words 

y/n: oh about !? 

Bakugo: People aren't gonna want me around if I'm a consent dick all the time. Fuck I don't even know how our friend group deals with me and my anger. He said I need to watch what I do it would hurt my image and other Crap.

y/n: Katsuki Bakugo there is more to a hero than protecting their image like, what you stand for and also Were your friends we can handle your anger no problem if you cant be yourself with your friends then what can you do? 

we spent the next 45 min talking about our day before we bother got told to turn in for the night, as I ended the call I hope I made him feel at least a little bit better. 

time skip 

It was the week after the internships were over it was pretty and the hero killers apprehension was all over the news along with some students being injured.  We were all chatting about our weeks and sharing information, I was pulled out of the classroom by Miss. Midnight and asked if I could come with her I got up and followed her into the teacher's lounge. She asked me if id liked to go undercover for a bit she had it cleared with my school and the proper channels this would be counted as my final sents I would be too busy to take them at school.  I agreed she said I was not allowed to use my quirk unless my life was at risk. 

I was led back into the classroom and told to finish my day, as class was going on I kept on feeling eyes on me I looked up from my notebook and see a  loud Blonde and his red-headed bromance buddy looking down at me, " hey Dumb ass class is over, come on your coming with us " he barked at me, I got up and followed them and like normal they were going to walk me home. 

'Hey um guys, your kinda going the wrong way now" they bother looked back at me like I was nuts. 

what do you mean? Kirishima asked with a slightly concerned look 

" I mean I'm no longer living with my nanny or my parents it's been like that for a while now," I said with a faint smile trying to make them feel better 

" ok dipshit then where are you staying if you tell me you're on the street ill kick your ass " bakugo yelled almost getting in my face. I waved them over to follow me and we came up to a construction site labeled 1a dorm, some of the workers waved at me and greeted me. 

" you mean to tell me you're staying here alone," Kirishima said trying to see if I'm ok 

" yeah, I'm good it's just a lot of noise right now cause it's still getting built the rooms are done but everything else is still a working progress Aizawa told me " as I walked up the steps and told them it was ok to leave as I was walking inside I looked behind me and seen them walk away holding hands.   I made my way up to the room Miss Midnight would be here with my written exams then take me to the under-cover op.  It was about 7 pm when she knocked on my dorm room and gave me the exam to take I was done with the test it was pretty easy, 

I was debriefed on the assignment I would be needing to get evidence of a human trafficking ring.  I was paired up with Hawks I walked in with him as he gave me a ring that could record things be for we took off to the meeting place, it was an old rusty building away from any people I met a man made of purple smoke hawks was confused why he was here but he pushed me forward telling me good luck. 

Kurogiri: welcome little one we are the League of Villains and who are you 

Y/n : people call me Hydro. I told him 

Kurogiri : well you're just in time for some fun we're getting ready to plan an attack on that reached school UA.

I looked at Hawks knowing this was more than people being trafficked but I gave him a thumbs up and followed the guy of purple smoke, my heart was racing as I found myself in a bar looked at by a guy with burns and some girl playing with a knife and a few others I was shown to a room it was water resistant to I could practice my quirk if I wanted to.  As i was getting ready to train myself there was a knock at my door. A man I would later know as Shigaraki. he told me the only thing I was to do was to get information on students at Ua he also told me that there was one other undercover for them Yuga Aoyama with that he said I was free to go after giving me a cell phone.  I nodded and told them I understood before leaving and being warped back to where I was dropped off. 

-time skip-

Hawks : hydro welcome back - he said as I got into his car and was taken back  to the school 

As I walked into the principal's office I started to explain what had happened in my undercover no-quirk trafficking we had an undercover agent and I explained we should try to win him over to our side I also informed them they would want me to spy for them as well but I would leave the phone they gave me with them. I set it down on his desk as I left for the dorm room   It was built and finally finished I walked into my room and pulled out my phone. 

bakusqaud group chat 

y/n: (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ hey what's up numb nuts 

sero: hey where have you been you missed the finals 

Mina : yeah bestie now you won't get to go to training camp

Y/n: yeah I will i had a different final but I'm not allowed to talk about it 

Bakugo: yeah we know kiss ass 

y/n : excuse me 

Bakugo: you heard me water pump 

Kirishima: Katsuki shhhh quit being an ass bro 

everyone : excuse me 

Jiro: ummm did he 

Mina: yep he did he did 

the whole bakuchat was exploding teasing bakugo and Kirishima I was happy for them although I felt kinda sad I had no clue why 

no one pov 

As y/n sat in bed drifting off into sleep she found herself in a restless kinda mental state Her mind kept on racing to try to find out why all of a sudden the adults what her undercover did they already know of the mole or maybe it was something else. She got up and got her shoes on and left for a walk around the outside the smell of the cold air was calming she still had a confused feeling in her head and heart.

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