Why are they here

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y/n pov 

I woke up early in the morning and started to go through and head to class as I was walking I saw my parents walk into the school looking pissed off. I kept to myself as I ran to the classroom to begin my school day it was going well for the most part, as the bell ranged for lunch I got food and sat in between bakugo and Kirishima. It was usual talking as Kirishima looked at me with a smile before suggesting we had a date night just me him and bakugo. I blushed and agreed as he looked to bakugo who had yet to reply he finally spoke up "Fine but it's not happening in my room again " bakugo said with a smirk. 

After lunch, i was supposed to go to hero basic training but was called into the principal's office, As i got there i saw my parents and my brother I rolled my eyes and i sat down as principal nezu pulled up my brother's paper work. 

" smoking on school grounds, skipping class fighting with other students  now why would i allow a student that is breaking the rules to continue studying at Ua" he said raising an eyebrow, at my parents, My father glared at the principal " if you kick him out well petition to get y/n transferred out of the hero class," he said with a smug look on his face as Nezu went to speak i stud up and glared at my father getting into his face 

" excuse me  Did you fuckers for get you kicked me out to live with my nanny when you chooses you wanted to not pay her anymore and you wanted her to just be a maid at your house you said you were terminating your rights as my parents and left me on the streets," i said with a fire in my eye as i spoke up i felt my father raise his hand to hit me with his quirk And the moment hit made contact with my face Nezu called for school security as i lost my vision. 

" your father may have terminated his rights y/n but I did not your still my daughter and i have the right as a parent to transfer you out if i choose i heard about the under-cover villain work and the bomb in your face a few weeks ago " my mother spoke up. i walked over to where i  heard her face and glared at her as i was blinded. 

" you both have no right to tell me what to do with my life, the moment you kicked me out i stopped covering for my brother, and the same goes for you to as well as far as i know you too are dead to me, and when your Favorite boy turns to a life of being a villain cause he fucked up ill laugh in your faces,"  said trying to find my way back to my seat as the police came and escorted my parents and brother out of the school. I stayed seated in Nezu's office he asked if I was ok my face had a red handprint across it 

" oh um yeah, it's just I can't see right now cause of my father's quirk," I said reassuring him, he tied a string around my hand and told me to follow him as he dropped me off at the nurse's office, I sat down in her office as I was waiting I heard yelling coming from down the hall from the sound of it it was bakugo Kirishima and Midoryia i sat there just looking forward as i heard the door open.

" WILL YOU SHUT UP DEKU I TRI...." bakugo said stopping abruptly as i felt someone instantly grab my hand i felt the hand slightly confused 

" Hold on kiri are you the one in front of me " i said reaching up instantly feeling the red shoulder things from his hero costume as he said yes i felt they were both starting at me 

" dumbass did you hit yourself with your quirk, your looking the wrong way " i heard bakugo say grabbing my cheek and looking at it I shuck my head no, but kinda did not want to explain what happened as  Kirishima and bakugo sat next to me waiting for recovery girl to get finished healing deku. 

" well i guess you could say i got a family visit and it ended badly " i explained 

" hold on that was your dad gotten taken to jail he punched a cop," Kirishima said holding my hand. i explained what happened in Nezu's office to both of them as I felt two sets of arms wrap around me as i blushed and smiled looking at the ground not sure where to look.  It was about ten min later and the recovery girl healed Kirishima and bakugo sadly I had to wait for my eyesight to come back naturally Recovery girl asked if the boys would help me to the dorms, I  i felt them take my hands and lead me out of her office. I felt my cheeks head up as it was used to being blind half the time having to make my way around growing up so having help was kinda new. As i was walked to the dorms and up the stairs I walked into what I thought was my room but as I was sat on the bed by Kirishima it turns out to be his room a strong smell of cologne mixed with a strong vanilla smell,  I sat there just put my hand in my lap as i couldn't play on my  phone or anything sent i was still blinded temporarily, 

( slight nsfw) 

" ok guys it's oddly quiet what are you doing? " I said nervously about the silent room before I felt the bed move, I blushed not sure where to look as I felt one of them brush up against my leg and someone else brush up against my arm instantly making a chill run down my spine, I hated the fact that I could not see what was happening, but part of me kinda liked it. As the smell of burnt caramel got closer to my face instantly knew it was Bakugo as I felt him move my hand to touch his chest it was toned I could feel every muscle, if I could see my face I would be 50 shades red right now. As bakugo was on my right I could tell Kirishima was up to something as I heard shuffling from my left, " um guys what's going on?" I asked as my heart was pounding in my chest from not being able to see anything. I felt bakugo move closer to me before whispering in my ear "Don't worry Teddy bear nothing is gonna happen .... yet " as bakugo said that I felt him kiss my neck biting it slightly as I let out a gasp as I felt soft velvet lips on mine with an overpowering smell of burnt caramel I melted into the kiss as he pulled me on to his lap. as I sat on Bakugos lap and he forced his tongue into my mouth intertwining with mine I felt who I could only guess was Kirishima come up behind me kissing my neck biting it making me moan into Bakugos mouth as I felt his shark-like teeth bite me as he continued to leave hickeys on my neck, I was enjoying the attention, As it was just getting better there was a knock at Kirishimas door, he got up as i heard  Denki and sero asking if I was in there they wanted to borrow my weed grinder. I hollered yes to them as they left, I rubbed my eyes and to my surprise, I could somewhat see it was just a little blurry  Instantly I was red as I saw  Bakugo shirtless, I mean feeling it and seeing it were two totally different things I thought to my self. I looked at the door and saw Kirishima shirtless as well making be blush even harder ..... 

" um so when did you guys lose your shirts " i questioned 

" Hold on you can see now, " Kirishima said shouting slightly, I nodded getting up off Bakugo's lap and sat next to him blushing and hiding my face flustered about what just happened, As Kirishima turned on the tv and put on a movie before joining  back on his  bed as I held both of there hand as we watched the movie 

Hello Anime here how do you like the chapter \( ̄︶ ̄*\))ヾ(•ω•')o

denki: well i think it need more me 

Aoyama : ✨💫(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ and me I'm more important 

Me : shut it you to why must you enter  at the end go back to your box o(≧口≦)oo(≧口≦)o 

anyway have a good day drink water and stay away from the trash can Mineta lives there   

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