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Chapter 08


I was walking around campus looking for Jin when Jaehyun appeared out of nowhere "Hello beautiful" he handed a bouquet of flowers

this isn't the first time he's given me gifts after I've turned him down "but Jin will be mad when he sees this"

"Isn't that great, why don't you introduce me to him?" he joked, scratching the back of his neck. He's far too consistent for my taste

"he'll beat you up" 

I warned him and my brother can do more than that

"I'm sure he won't resort to violence, I'm kind"

"I already told you I'm not ready yet!" I remind him

I'm pleased that he's straightforward and serious but I don't want to give him false hope

"But what if..."

"I'm sorry, but no"

I notice Jimin strolling around the hall with his other friends, Yoongi pointed to my direction, and he stared at me

In surprise, I diverted my gaze

And returned it to see him give me a scowl before going with Yoongi

Why is Jimin always mad at me even when I'm doing nothing? does the way I breathe irritate him as well?

It's pointless contacting Jin because he's in class and I don't want to bother him with my questions about Jimin "I'm bored"

I went to the college department to look for him but when I saw that he wasn't there I walked directly to our library

My head swung through each cabinet book to see if he was on the column. I repeated it again and again when someone's face flashed in front of me

Jimin's lovely sister Dior smiled at me, her hair dancing as she neared

"hello" her eyes twinkled as she held her hands up

"flawless kim dahyun"

My brow furrowed "hi"

my gaze was drawn to the delicate features on her face. she resembles Jimin "I see you with oppa a lot" she says

"Do you like him?" she asked, cutting the chase

Would it be a good idea to tell her the truth?

Her eyes were hopeful, shining for the response she hoped to hear from me. It would be too dangerous to reveal myself

"no" I surprised her, lips curled down as the anticipation disappeared

"you don't?" she was upset, but I restrained myself

"I really thought you two were dating"

"no we're not" I laughed nervously


Her second question caused me to raise an eyebrow

Is she questioning me right now? Park Dior didn't seem to believe my remarks, so I responded with a loud laugh

"why would I?"

"Why not?"


"Never mind. I like your fashion style" she laughed, her gaze flitting down to my shoes and then up to my face

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