Dont leave now

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Alex's POV:

Me and Adele are searching all streets we can find. She wasnt at the super market, not even the one smaller, closer one. "Lets go to those three to see if they have any luck?" Ady asks and I nod. God please be okay I cant lose you too Nyx.

We are walking down the street where our apartment is. I am looking on right, left and any side I can and Adele out of nowhere begins to hit my arm. "What is it Adele?" I ask with worried tone and I see her face pale and shocked look on her face when she points to the fire where our apartment is. "NYX" We both run and yell, seeing everything is on fire. "CALL OTHERS AND TELL THEM TO CALL 999." I yell and Adele runs fast while I try to break down the fucking fence. Just right when I break it down all of them come and run in. I cough hard, seeing kitten is in its cage while our door is burning to its hell. I cough again and again, while trying to break down the door.

I fall to the floor, my lungs filled with smoke. I cant breathe properly, I totally forgot what smoke causes me. Leo and Gabriele are breaking down the door. Leo breaks it down fire and smoke just comes in a big cloud, and in that moment for me everything went black.

Leo's POV:

I hide myself when the fire and smoke just explode out. Me and my father run in as possible as we can, seeing everything is on fire. "SEARCH FOR NYX" My father yells and coughs, putting his elbow on his mouth and nose so he doesnt breathe in the smoke. I do so too and begin to search. God, I cant do it. I was always scared of fire, ever since I was 3 from that one party. But I need to do it, for Nyx. Dont leave me now Nyx.

After some minutes, my father and I yell in the same moment when we see a pillar down and something under it. I take a better look, trying too hard to be steady since this is all too much for me. Its Nyx. "ITS NYX." I yell with now worry and fear in my voice. "GOD! LETS PICK IT UP!" We both do so, I grab wet towels and with that, we pick the pillar up and throw it on the other side. Oh God this isnt good. I pick her up, seeing she is all in wounds from fire. My father puts two fingers on her neck, checking her pulse. "She is unstable but alive. NOW LETS GET THE HELL OUT." In the same moment I pick her up, firefighters came. We both run out, coughing and gasping for breath while Nyx is in my arms.

The ambulance is here, three to be precise. In one are my father and I, with masks for oxygen on. In other is Nyx, getting ready to be driven to hospital and in the other one is Alex, unconscious. My mom is in the middle of me and my dad, since they only have one space, while Adele is with Alex, we are all getting driven to hospital. I am happy that my mom and twin are okay, but I am so worrying for Nyx.

~Time skip~

We arrived at the hospital. Me and my father are now stable, checked up and smoke left our lungs. Alex is conscious but still with oxygen mask. "Why did you react to smoke and fire like that?" Adele asks while holding his hand and gently swiping her thumb over his knuckles. "Ady I think we should give him a break, he passed out after all." I softly answer, hugging her and putting my hand over her left side of her face, bringing it to my shoulder. "No its okay" Alex answers and pauses, slowly answering. "Our dad used to smoke, and that smoke affected me and Nyx badly. He smoked every day, every hour. And we were forced to breathe it in, which showed up very bad. After some years he died from lung cancer, but we still are affected by smoke. It really attacks our lungs and we dont even know why. Doctors said its nothing but as you see." He takes a deep breath. "This happens." He puts his mask back on, closing his eyes and resting back in the bed. "I am sorry I asked." Adele answers and Alex shakes his head. "Dont worry. Where is Nyx?" Alex asks worriedly, and before I can answer.

Doctor comes in.

"We have good and very bad news" He says worriedly, and we all turn our heads to him immediately. "Tell us the good and the very bad." My father says in shaky voice, while my heart beats so fast I feel like it will explode. "Well, she is alive, but she burned like half of her skin, and unfortunately, is in coma. Smoke affected her lungs so hard like her brother and..." He stops before saying the words we all didnt want coming. "There is a chance she might not make it." My world just crashed down.



Like landshit(landlord) didnt need to do that.

Hope yall enjoyed!

See ya in next chapter!

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