Scrapyard takeover

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I asked my dad about the kind of government that we have. He says that we have a democracy, and we elect a prime minister every so often. This prime minister has full control of the government until the time of his or her position of power is done. Though there has been no elections been declared in the region. He had tried to research about it but there are no articles about the elections. I thought it was strange that not everybody in the city of Toronto is allowed to see the movie that Luciana has created. The golden community is the one that can't look at the video. I only knew that the golden community has politicians and diplomats. The day came on Thursday for us to accompany Luciana and the film crew back to Lightning Cove. Two trucks were used to transport everybody. There were lunches packed and Luciana stayed in the truck with the rest of the film students. I stayed in the second truck with Hank and the rest of the group. We arrived using the highway passing the farm community closer to the intersection of the highway from the city to the US. The trucks drove along the rough road. "Hank? Can you tell us about a golden community?" Ron asked.

"Where did you heard about that kind of community?" He asked. "The principal told us about it. He didn't know anything about it. We have learned that they are made up of politicians and diplomats." Danica explained. "Wow. The principal told you about this?" Hank asked. "Yes. He told us about it last week after the fire elemental was put out." I replied. "Right. I have no clue what a golden community is too. This kind of community hasn't been talked about as much. In fact, nobody knows too much about this community at all. The only time I knew that this community existed is when you first told me about it." Hank answered. Danica looked at me, then at the others. "Why would people not want to know about this kind of community?" Autumn asked. "How many times do you people run into monsters at school? It's supposed to be a safe place for you to learn and to study." Hank commented. "I think this is the first year in the good school that monsters start popping up. Beau and I never saw anything scary or dangerous when at the school. It was just normal." David remarked. "It could just be a coincidence. Some of these monsters have existed for a long time. We have seen goblins and they told us about how they like to hide away from humans." Danica said. "Not all of them do. Some of these monsters have just been hiding away from any human. We are still exploring different parts of the earth and still learning about it." Beau added. "How are we supposed to explore the world? Not everybody has the chance of graduating. There are less scientists exploring the world today. I don't know what they are up to." Hank stated. "You're right. Not everybody has the chance of exploring the world. The wealthy people have the opportunity to use planes for travelling." David replied.

"And the racers in the grand races. They use them for races in the air." Danica pointed out. Suddenly, my mind just thought of something. I felt that I should explore this theory with my classmates. The trucks were now on Highway 61 towards Lightning Cove. "Wait a minute. I think I know what the golden community is." I declared. Everybody in the back of the truck turned to look at me. "Maybe, the golden community is made up of people who are wealthy and rich." I blurted out. "How can that be? We don't know anybody from around here to be rich. The airport here only stores planes used for the grands races. We haven't had anybody travel to the city for a long time. I haven't seen a millionaire that could be staying at a hotel room. The only people who use a hotel would be travelers or people who would be passing by." Luciana said. She felt a little skeptic about my answer. "Don't you see? The only people who use the planes at the airport are racers and the rich. If you think about it, the only people who use them often than racers would be the rich. They have money to buy anything they like." I explained. "Oh, so the wealthy are the golden community? I think I know what you're thinking." Autumn said. "What is he thinking?" David asked. Danica had an expression of interest on her face. "I think what Ezra is thinking is that the golden community are people that are rich politicians and diplomats that can afford to be flying around the world using planes. I could see how this theory could work." She guessed. "Yes. That's right Danica!" I exclaimed. "Wait to go Danica." Autumn chimed in. "Thanks Autumn." Danica responded with a grin. "I understand now. Golden is an adjective?" Ron asked. "Yes it is." Beau answered. "So gold is the noun version of golden. And gold is an expensive metal. This metal can only be purchased by people who have enough money. Somebody who is a millionaire or a billionaire." Ron continued.

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