Canada Banana

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I don't know what's up with my chapter title. Don't mind it guys. Stop laughing to the perverts out there!

Thankies!!! ;)

And enjoy... This is dedicated to the JKUFCs who are reading this.

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I woke up early because my fans are waiting for me. I did my daily routine and went out of my room. The others are not yet awake so I need to go ahead.
Tita Annie: Why in a hurry, JK?
JK: I have a greet and meet with my fans.
Tita Annie: Oh! So goodluck!
JK: Thanks!
Tita Annie: What mall?
JK: *insert name of mall*
Tita Annie: Let me drive you there.
JK: Sure. That would be nice, Tita.

Tita Annie drove me to the mall, I thanked her and bid goodbye.

I hurriedly went inside the mall and my manager in Canada told me to go to the stage and sign autographs and do album signing.

When I was in the middle of signing autographs, I saw a pretty girl.
JK: Hi!
Shanne: I'm Shanne Liane. I am a huge fan of yours.
JK: That's great. How old are you?
Shanne: I'm 16 years old. But when I saw you in TVKD, I was 11 years old.
JK: That's great. Thank you for being such a loyal fan to me.
Shanne: No problem. Because once a JKUFC, always a JKUFC. (Actually, this is the Darrenatics' motto... Once a DARRENatic, Always a DARRENatic.)
JK: That's great!

I gave Shanne a poster of me with my autograph and then left. Before I could sign another fan's album, Dianne stomped her way to the stage. She went infront of me with a cute but angry face.
JK: Hi Dianne!
Dianne: Well, I thought you are my boyfriend!
JK: Why? Am I not acting like one?

Right now, I am already standing, looking down at her since I am taller than her. She looked at me with the same face. Fans were looking at us with a shocked expression. Why? Can't lovers fight?
Dianne: Yup, you're not acting like one and you act as if you're single!
JK: What did I do wrong? What did I do that made you disappointed? Did I do anything unpleasing to your eyes?

Before Dianne could answer, Paulene ran behind Dianne, trying to stop her, while Darren went behind me, trying to stop me.
Paulene: Dianne, enough!
Dianne: No! I won't have enough! Didn't you see how he flirted with the girl?
JK: Flirted? You thought I flirted with her?
Dianne: You were winking and stuff!
JK: I was blinking not winking plus what's the point of having a greet and meet if you won't talk and interact with your fans?
JK: It's okay, Dianne! I forgive you!
Dianne: Thanks JK and sorry...
JK: No worries! They actually ship us you know.

Dianne looked back at the screaming fans and she saw a huge tarpaulin with our picture on it saying: #KarlIanne and a sentence thay say: When you two smile, our hearts go boom, boom, boom
Dianne: So, I guess we'll just go shopping while we wait for you to finish.
JK: Yeah, sure. No problem.
Paulene: Text us if you're done, okay?
JK: Okay! Bye guys!

They went away to shop for some clothes, I guess. Darren went with them, to carry all of their shopping bags. But don't worry, I'll catch up with them and Darren got used to it already, plus, he's 17 soon to be 18.

After hours of signing and selfies, I was done. I didn't text them yet. I searched the whole mall looking for them and I saw them eating ice cream in the corner. I went near them and smiled.
JK: Hey!
Darren: Glad to see you! You done already?
JK: Yeah! It was sooo tiring.
Dianne: Let's eat lunch.
Paulene: Yeah, but where?

We saw a small restaurant that has everything we love... ice cream, pizza, and everything!!! This is paradise!!!

We ate in the restaurant and after that we went back to the apartment.
JK: That was........AWESOME!!!
Darren: Yep. You can say that again.
Paulene: So, where will we go now?
Darren: Go pack up!
Paulene: Why? We just got here yesterday.
Dianne: I'm still too tired. Can we have a 5-hour break?
Darren: Don't you guys wanna meet Zoe and Joe Sugg and Alfie Deyes?
Paulene: OMIGOSH!!! LET'S GOOOO!!!
Dianne: Have mercy! 5-hour break!
Darren: Okay fine. Let's rest for 3 hours.

We used the 3 hours to play with our gadgets. After, we packed our things and went to the airport. Tita Annie and Tito Henry drove us towards the airport. We went inside and we bid goodbye to the kind people who welcomed us to their home. We bought snacks for our long travel.

After 45 minutes, the plane arrived. Paulene seems so excited that she can't sit still in her plane seat.
JK: Paulene, chill out, will you?
Paulene: I am just sooooo excited.
Darren: *laughs* Just sleep so we would arrive in no time.

Paulene placed her head on Darren's shoulder and slept. Dianne put on her headphones while I just looked outside the window.

After how many hours, we arrived in U.K. It was sooo cool!
Paulene: Kyyyaaaa!!!! U.K.!!!!!!!
Darren: It's so beautiful!
Paulene: Where will we stay?
Darren: A hotel room is waiting for us.

We went to a 5-star hotel. It was soooo huge. Veranda, kitchen, living room, table, bathroom, music room, bedroom with 4 beds. Awesome!
Paulene: I wanna be near the window.
Darren: But, I wanna stay there.
Paulene: Too bad because I'm staying there.
Darren: Okay fine. Don't wake us up in the middle of the night because someone is knocking on the window.
Paulene: Er....uhm.... I'm staying in the bed beside you... I.... er.... am allergic.... to.... morning breeze.
Darren: Sure, no problem.

Dianne and I laughed. Paulene made a face. She went to the veranda to breathe fresh air. She loves to breathe the fresh, fresh air, especially because Manila is filled with smoke already.
Paulene: Guys, let's go to the Sugg residence.
Darren: Before we go, I wanna tell you a fact that will make you go crazy.
Paulene: What?
Dianne: When Darren called all the hotels in UK for a reservation...
JK: The lady on the phone said that only a few people come here because...
Paulene: There's a ghost?!?!?!
Darren: *laughs* No! It's because...


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Oh know! Cliff hanger! What's the reason behind all of this.

Guys, please read "The Unexpected Love". It is soooo awesome. I love it!!! Kaway-kaway to the author of my 2nd most favorite book in Wattpad. You asking what's the 1st? Of course my own book! Hehehehe... She didn't tell me to have her book featured in here because I don't know her and she don't know me but still I love her book!

Thankies! :)

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