Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

I pull into the police station parking lot and shut the vehicle off, I sit back in the seat staring into the poorly lit police station. Why the hell is it that every time Harry gets into shit, they call me and suspect me to get him out of whatever the hell he did? And what do I get out of it you may ask? Nothing, I don't fucking get anything except a pat on the back saying nice job for saving a ticking fucking time bomb.

My eyes move to the rear view mirror and I find myself wallowing in yet again my own self pity, absolutely pathetic. I have the right to though, I mean, even when I do something good, karma still is sure to stalk my every movement as if I'm some prey, waiting for the slightest moment of weakness to appear. It wouldn't be that bad if I just left, would it? No it couldn't be, I mean the worst that could happen is that he has to stay the night in jail, which he could honestly use. The fucker needs to learn his lesson, so why not make him learn tonight? No one babied me when I got put in jail, for a reason in which I can't tell you. But it ruined me, and when I say ruined just imagine, three fucking guys, strong as hell beating the shit out of you all because of fucking their girlfriends, I told them the truth. That their girlfriends were sexually frustrated but all they did was bitch about what I did. Now I honestly believe that it was just because they haven't gotten laid in over a year, maybe two, Who the hell knows, but this idea I pursued led me to believe that life was all just a shit game. A shit game that could only be won by cheating your way through it.  A dangerous game in which you put yourself through hell, only to receive hell as the ending result.

I move my eyes back to the building, observing the workers as they patrol the front desk, I sit there impatiently. I don't even know why the hell I'm so impatient, I could leave whenever I want to, I mean, isn't Liam here some wheres, he can get him. Fuck it, I don't give a shit, they can deal with him, he can hate me all he wants but I'm done dealing with his shit.

I turn the key into the ignition and fiercely drive out of the parking lot. The headlights of the car provide me with a view, helping guide me through the dark. I stare into the obliterating darkness, wishing that it would stop teasing me, I mean after all, that's where I'm gonna go anyways so why not go now?

I get home faster than I expected and make my way into the frat house. I find Marcus sitting at the table in the kitchen, chatting with Louis, Louis' eyes catch mine and he shoots up in his chair, quickly walking towards me. I try making my way to the steps but unfortunately he stops me.

"Niall, wait," I turn around with an angered expression present on my face, he leans against the doorway with his arms crossed.

"What?" I snap, he raises an eyebrow.

"Where's Harry?"

"At the police station, now will you leave me the hell alone?" He sighs, finally getting the hint to walk away.

"You should probably know that some chick called and asked about Liam and you, Liam left his god damned phone so I had to answer it, she wanted you to call her." Who the hell would ask about me? I mean, no one asks about me, they always just show up on the fucking door step one by one, each one wanting the same thing from me...God I'm a fucking man whore, a fuck boy if you insist. But no one ever calls and asks about me, simply because no one gives a damn about me.

"Who was it?"

"Malia, I believe her name was, she sounded worried, I don't know why, but it seemed pretty bad, oh well, it's not our fault, we should get some sleep, we have stuff to do in the morning," with that he walks away. Why would she be calling at 4 in the morning?

"Hey, Louis!" I yell.

"Yeah?" He responds from the other room.

"Where's Liam's phone?"

"Check his room, I believe I put it back on his dresser, we all know how organized he is, if I were to put it any where's else, he'd have my ass," I chuckle a little and make my way up the steps. I reach the top step and walk into his room, I look past his plaid blanket covered bed and find the phone right where Louis said it would be. I grab it and unlock his phone, Liam has always been the forgetful lad, he has brains, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to passwords, it has to be something easy to remember, so 0000 is a pretty understandable password for him.

I go through his contacts and find her name, I steal her number from his phone. I shut the phone off and place it back next to his lamp. I exit the room and enter mine, shutting and locking the door behind me. I kick my shoes off and fall onto my poorly made bed, the black sheets cascading over my legs. I go to her number in my phone and before I know it, I hit the call button. The phone rings and I get this strange feeling but I push it away.

"Hello?" Her soft, soothing voice is so quiet.

"Hey, it's Niall," the line stays quiet for a few seconds.

"Niall who? Sorry, it's been a really long day, or night, or whatever the heck time of day it is," I chuckle but get a bit offended. No one forgets me, even if it is the first time they've met me.

"Horan, remember, I was the one who drove you home from the party earlier?"

"Ah, that's right, sorry, so I guess you heard that I called asking about you," her voice fades slightly.

"Yeah, how is it that you remembered my name then but you couldn't remember it now?"

"I didn't, I called you Noah, then I had to give characteristics bout you because apparently you guys have a guy named Noah in your fraternity house?" She questions, I smile to myself.

"Yeah, Noah Matthews," Noah's a pretty laid back kind of guy, I mean, he's pretty good with the girls, but he has this smoking hot girlfriend and they're pretty secure in their relationship.

"Oh, um, sorry for waking you, I was just really worried about something, that's it," I lean up a bit in the bed.

"And what were you worried about darling?" I hear her breathing becoming heavy.

"After you left, I was getting changed and I heard a knock on the door, so I went to check it out because I thought that it could have been you but when I opened it, no one was there. I thought that I was just hearing things but then it happened again, followed by my name being called it was a males voice, it was like a low growling in a way, I got scared so I called Liam, but some guy answered and said that you were out picking a friend up and Liam left his phone. So I told him to let you know that I called." I sit up in bed and listen to her voice shake.

"How long ago did that happen?"

"Maybe 30 minutes ago, I'm scared, I mean, the doors locked but...I don't know, maybe I'm over reacting."

"If you're that scared, I can come over and check things out," I hear a slight knock from the other side of the phone and everything goes silent. "Malia?" Nothing, I jolt up, "Malia? Are you there?" Still nothing, "Malia, answer me, are you okay?" then the smallest voice appears, causing chills to go down my spine.


"What's going on, is something wrong?" I ask in a panic stricken voice, no answer. "Malia?"

"Niall, he's here," is all she says, I jump off the bed.

"Malia, who's there, who's with you," no answer, "Malia?" With that, the line goes dead.

A/N~ Sooooooo Sorry for the long wait, I apologize, I'm really going to try my best to update as much as I can, I promise that I'm not going to give up on this story, thank you for reading!!!! And please comment and tell me what you think, I would absolutely love feed back!!! Thank you and have a lovely night/day :) Also if you would like for me to read any of your stories, message me and I will be sure to get to it and read/comment/and vote...until next time, bye :D

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