Chapter 5

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Malia's POV

"Malia, who's there, who's with you?" Heavy breathing appears outside the door, I stay quiet.

"Malia?!" He yells, I hang the phone up not wanting to let whoever this is know that I'm here.

I quietly get off of the bed and tip toe to the door. The carpet feels soft beneath my feet, allowing me a quiet cushion to walk upon. I hesitantly put my hands on the door hoping and praying that it's possibly Clare, but expecting the uninvited. My breathing becomes ragged as I move my eye closer and closer to the peephole. My body shaking fiercely with anxiety pumping through me. My eye finally meets the tiny opening. A boy with piercing jade green eyes and curly brown hair comes to view. The boy from the steps. But why? Why is he here? Does he have some sick satisfaction in stalking new students? Part of me wants to open the door but another part of me is screaming "are you stupid, he's obviously not here to say hello at 4 in the morning!"

"I know you're in there, I'm here to give you something from Liam, just open the door please," he could be telling the truth, but I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him.

"Just leave it outside, I'll pick it up later...I'm busy," my conscience pats myself on the back for coming up with an excuse. He scoffs.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, just please open the door, I'm Harry, I'm one of Niall's friends, does that mean anything to you?" I take a deep breath, he can't be bad, I mean both Liam and Niall seem like pretty nice guys. I reach for the lock and take one more deep breath before opening it.

He stands there, leaning against the wall, his legs crossed and his hands shoved into his black skinny jeans pockets. He's very pleasant to the eye, his dark features are rewarding to his mysterious personality.

"What a pleasant surprise, Malia," he grins a devilish grin, showing off his beautiful smile.

"I could say the same thing to you," he stands up straight, wow, he's tall.

"Would you allow me the pleasure of coming inside?" I blush, way to go Malia, my conscience laughs at me.

"Um, yeah, come in," I shyly open the door up, allowing him the full view of mine and Clare's room. I leave the door open a crack in case I need to make a quick run for it.

"Lovely room you got here Miss Winters, didn't you come here with your friend? Sorry, I just realized you guys walking together earlier."

" did you know my last name?" I ask, backing up a little, my whole body shaking now.

"Liam told me," I shake my head, no, I never told Liam my last name, I don't think I did anyway, even if I did, I don't think he'd tell this guy my whole name, I mean he didn't tell Niall.

"He doesn't know my last name," I say attempting to play it safe.

"Yes he does, his mom works at the administration office on campus, she knows everyone's name, including yours," he steps closer to me.

"Oh," is all I can choke up, I step back again, this time, meeting with the wall. He moves close, his body mere inches away from me. His eyes meet with mine, giving me the representation as to just how heavenly they are.

"So tell me Miss Winters, are you always this nervous when you meet new people?" I shake my head no, his hand slowly runs up my thigh and stops just below my shorts.

"Liam didn't send you," my voice is soft.

"Yes he did, he wanted me to give you this," he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a shiny diamond plated necklace with a flower pattern laced through it, it's beautiful. He removes his hand from my thigh and grabs the necklace with both of his hands. He un-clips it and moves my hair out of the way. His eyes never leave mine as he places the necklace around my neck and clips it on. His hands move to my cheeks.

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