Chapter 5

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"So ...... Because we have nothing to do let's play something"Tyler broke the silence between us. When we allowed Tyler to join us jake and Robert joined us too. So now we have five people. " Yeah! I guess we should TRUTH AND DARE !" I suggested. And so everyone agreed.

"Okay first let me bring a bottle." Stacy said and went to the kitchen. After a minute she came with a normal water bottle. We all sat in a circle and Stacy rotated the bottle. The bottle stopped and pointed to me and Stacy. It was her turn to ask a question. I mentally face palmed myself while Stacy had a huge smirk on her face. "So Hazel truth or dare?" She asked. "Um...." I thought to myself that if I took truth I am going to be in a big problem. Stacy knows everything about me so she knows what questions to ask. " Dare" I reply. She grinned even more. " I dare you to sing. " Shit! I don't like to sing in front of anyone. Stacy heard me many times singing. She says she loves hearing me because according to her I am really good at singing.

"Noooooo please no!" I requested her.

"Nope it is a dare and you have to do it" Hake said with a smirk.

"Fine!" I groaned. I went to my room and grabbed my guitar. And went to the living room where we are playing. I sat on my place where I was sitting and started playing my favorite song which is let it go. The song from the movie Frozen

When I finished I look up from my guitar only to see Stacy in awe and rest of the boys' mouth hanging. I blushed and look down to my guitar. Then all of them started clapping which made me blush more. "Haz you were amazing!" They all said in sync. Weird! "Um thanx. Now can we continue to play?" I asked them and they al agreed. I spanned the bottle again and it landed in front of Jake and Tyler. Jake got to ask the question. "Dare" Tyler replied. "I dare you to kiss Hazel for a good fifteen seconds " I literally chocked at that time while Tyler did the same. " Can I?" He asked politely. Oh he is such a gentleman! I nodded while blushing hard. He stood up as well me. We came in the middle and that is when he held a grip on my waist and our lips met. Spark? Nope. But why? Our lips moved in sync but I got none butterflies in my stomach. We pulled apart after what felt like minutes. We smiled at each and faced the rest of the group who had smirk on their faces.

"Well I guess that was more than fifteen seconds. " Robert said with a smirk.

"Ha ha " I laughed sarcastically and I heard Tyler let out a giggle.

We played the game until it was four in the morning. Prettying late. I guess we should just go to sleep. It was a tiring day.

" I guess it's time we sleep guys" I announced and let out a big yawn. They all agreed with me and stared leaving our apartment. I followed them till the door and said goodbyes to everyone. "Bye Tyler. " I said the last person. " Bye Hazel. Good nigh." he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he disappeared to his apartment. I swear I was blushing hard.

I walked over Stacy's room and saw her sleeping with her nights clothes on. I didn't bother changing so I went to my room and slept like that. Typical me.

Sorry for the small chapter. :( I hope you like this chapter. Can I get some likes please? :)

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